BPS2024 Call for Abstracts
Animated publication
Biophysics: The Next Generation
Important Deadlines
Travel Awards Available for students, postdoctoral researchers, and scientists of all career levels. We strongly encourage members from all geographic locations, underrepresented communities, and at all career levels to apply. Applications will be evaluated by the Society’s committees for Early Careers, Education, Inclusion and Diversity, Professional
Abstracts Abstract Submission:
October 1, 2023 October 4, 2023
Abstract Revision and Withdrawal:
Competitions Student Research Achievement Awards (SRAA): Undergraduate Poster Awards (UPAC):
October 4, 2023 January 4, 2024
Opportunities for Women, and Membership. Deadline for applications: October 4, 2023
Registration Early Registration: Regular Registration:
July 1, 2023–January 4, 2024 January 5–February 14, 2024
Registration Join the Society or renew your membership for 2024 to: • Submit or sponsor an Annual Meeting abstract • Pay reduced registration rates and save up to $275 • Apply for Annual Meeting Travel Awards and Family Care Grants • Apply to poster competitions To become a member, visit www.biophysics.org/join
Regular Member
$350* $325*
$560 $424 $110 $560 $424 $110 $85
Early Career Member Student Member Emeritus Member
$600 $600 $135
Early Career Nonmember
Student Nonmember
*2024 Society membership dues must be paid.
For complete details, visit biophysics.org/2024Meeting
At BPS2024, our Annual Meeting gets a facelift. The symposia and workshops are as exciting as ever, with a slate of invited speakers that represent breakthrough biophysics research and who will give a glimpse into what the next generation of our Society looks like. This means we want to see you on that podium too! For the first time, in this upcoming meeting we have re served at least 20% of symposia talks for speakers selected directly from submitted abstracts. Principal Investigators will find the new option to self-suggest their abstract describing their latest research for symposia topics. Do not miss the abstract deadline! The topics will be varied and stimulating, covering the broad membership of our society. From staple themes like membrane proteins to venturing into new areas where biophysics is making an impact, such as plant biology and how biological systems adapt to temperature change. We are looking forward to seeing you in Philly! A NOTE FROM THE PROGRAM CHAIRS
Ibrahim Cissé Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics
Elizabeth Villa University of California, San Diego
Biophysical Society Lecturer Carolyn Bertozzi, Stanford University Therapeutic Opportunities in Glycoscience 2024 Program Committee Ibrahim Cissé , Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Germany, Program Co-Chair Elizabeth Villa , University of California, San Diego, USA, Program Co-Chair Gilad Haran , Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Kumiko Hayashi , Tohoku University, Japan Syma Khalid , University of Oxford, United Kingdom Frances Marassi , Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Joseph Mindell , NINDS, NIH, USA Baron Chanda , Washington University in St. Louis, USA, ex-officio Janice Robertson , Washington University in St. Louis, USA, ex-officio Sudha Chakrapani , Case Western Reserve University, USA, 2025 Program Chair Christopher Yip , University of Toronto, Canada, 2025 Program Chair
Being named the 2024 Biophysical Society Lecturer is the highest annual award bestowed by the Biophysical Society. In addition to presenting the Annual Biophysical Society Lecture, the recipient provides a molecule or figure that depicts his/her research. That figure is used in the background design for that year’s Annual Meeting print and web announce ments. Carolyn Bertozzi is the Baker Family Director of Sarafan Stanford ChEM-H and the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Profes sor of Humanities and Sciences in the Department of Chemistry at Stanford University. She is also an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Her research focuses on profiling changes in cell surface glycosylation associated
ABOUT THE BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY with cancer, inflammation and infection, and exploiting this information for development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, most recently in the area of immuno-oncology. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Most recently she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Wolf Prize in Chemistry, Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics, and Welch Prize in Chemistry. She also was awarded the Lemelson-MIT Prize, a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, the Chemistry for the Future Solvay Prize, among many others. The Image: Cell Surfaces are covered in glycosylated proteins, lipids and RNAs that mediate cell-cell interactions. This presentation will focus on de velopment of new therapeutic modalities that target cell-surface glycans involved in cancer immune systems. Photo by Christopher Michel https://www.christophermichel.com
The Biophysical Society was formally founded in 1958 to lead the development and dissemination of knowledge in biophysics. It does so through its many programs, including meetings, publications, and committee outreach activities. The Society consists of over 7,500 members who work in academia, industry, and government agencies throughout the world. In addition to Annual Meeting discounts and the right to sponsor an abstract, member benefits include: • Access to the Membership Directory, Find a Biophysicist (FaB) Network, and Primarily-Undergraduate Institution (PUI) Network •
Participation in BPS Subgroups to connect with peers and experts within focused areas of research • An online subscription to the Biophysical Journal , as well as reduced charges when publishing in any BPS journals • The BPS Bulletin , a monthly member newsletter to stay informed about what is happening in biophysics and the Biophysical Society. • Access to free webinars with career experts to help you thrive and advance in your professional role • Getting involved as a volunteer leader in BPS to make connections and gain experience • Opportunities for travel and meeting support funds
Since graduate school, BPS Annual Meetings have given me a sense of community by creating an environment in which I can find peers, collaborators, future colleagues, and amazing mentors. Annual meetings are the best time of the year, as I often get to meet biophysicists from around the world that I only knew from research articles or Twitter, while reuniting with those that I’ve met before! — Tugba Ozturk, Washington University in St. Louis
SUBGROUP SYMPOSIA • Bioenergetics, Mitochondria, and Metabolism • Bioengineering • Biological Fluorescence
Delve deep into a subject area with symposia organized by these dynamic, focused communities.
• Intrinsically Disordered Proteins • Macromolecular Machines and Assemblies • Mechanobiology • Membrane Fusion, Fission, and Traffic • Membrane Structure and Function • Membrane Transport
• Motility and Cytoskeleton • Multiscale Genome Organization • Nanoscale Approaches to Biology • Physical Cell Biology • Single-Molecule Forces, Manipulation, and Visualization • Theory and Computation
• Biopolymers in vivo • Channels, Receptors, and Transporters • Cryo-EM
PRESENT LEARN COLLABORATE Submit Your Abstract - Deadline October 1, 2023
Peptides as the Future of Biological Drugs Miguel Castanho, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Chair Joel Schneider, NCI, NIH, USA Robert Hancock, University of British of Columbia, Canada Ana Salomé Veiga, University of Lisbon, Portugal Dynamics Driving Allostery Gilad Haran, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, Chair Ivet Bahar, University of Pittsburgh, USA Banu Ozkan, Arizona State University, USA Speaker to be announced Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Transcriptional Regulation Benjamin Sabari, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA, Chair Naama Barkai, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Denes Hnisz, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany Wonki Cho, KAIST, South Korea Biophysics of Cancer Kandice Tanner, NCI, NIH, USA, Chair Christina Towers, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA Chrystal Starbird, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Nicole LaRonde, Pfizer, USA
New Insights into Ion Channel Regulation Anna Bukiya, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA, Co-Chair Avia Rosenhouse-Dantsker, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, Co-Chair Tamara Rosenbaum, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Kailash Gulshan, Cleveland State University, USA Gating Modalities of Mechanically- Activated Ion Channels Swetha Murthy, Oregon Health & Science University, USA, Chair Medha Pathak, University of California, Irvine, USA Eduardo Perozo, University of Chicago, USA Bailong Xiao, Tsinghua University, China Structural Mechanisms of GPCR Activation, Regulation, and Signaling Jennifer Cash, University of California, Davis, USA, Chair Jean-Philippe Fortin, Pfizer, USA Patrick Sexton, Monash University, Australia Matthieu Masureel, Genentech, USA
Biophysics of Host-Pathogen Interactions and Infection Pro cesses Effie Bastounis, University of Tübingen, Germany, Chair Daria Bonazzi, Pasteur Institute, France Alexandre Persat, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland Enrique Rojas, New York University, USA Phase Separation in Membrane and Lipids Abdou Rachid Thiam, École Normale Supérieure (ENS), France, Chair Trevor GrandPre, Princeton University, USA Sarah Shelby, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA Lindsay Case, MIT, USA Biophysics of ER and Secretory Pathway Sonya Neal, University of California, San Diego, USA, Chair Christine Mayr, Sloan Kettering Institute, USA Tae-Young Yoon, Seoul National University, South Korea Speaker to be announced Cardiac Plasticity or Maturation - the Cardiomyocyte’s Perspective Cesare Terracciano, Imperial College of London, United Kingdom, Chair William T Pu, Harvard University, USA Seitaro Nomura, University of Tokyo, Japan Nina Ullrich, Heidelberg University, Germany
Membrane Lipidomics of Multiresistant Bacteria
Mibel Aguilar, Monash University, Australia, Chair Megan O’Mara, The University of Queensland, Australia Kelly Hines, University of Georgia, USA Jessica Seeliger, Stony Brook University, USA
SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIA Emerging Concepts in Microtubule Function Sabine Petry, Princeton University, USA, Chair Katerina Toropova, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Kassandra Ori-McKenney, University of California, Davis, USA Justin Kollman, University of Washington, USA The Fluid Versus Gel Nature of the Genome Laura Finzi, Emory University, USA, Chair Marco Cosentino-Lagomarsino, University of Milan, Italy Christine Jacobs-Wagner, Stanford University, USA Speaker to be announced Genome Organization Ana Pombo, Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine, Germany, Chair Leonid Mirny, MIT, USA Longzhi Tan, Stanford University, USA Clodagh O’Shea, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA Bioenergetics and Mitochondrial Biophysics Uri Manor, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA Jeffrey Cameron, University of Colorado Boulder, USA Tatjana Kleele, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Speaker to be announced Systems Biology from Molecules to Communities Lacramioara Bintu, Stanford University, USA, Chair Zaida Luthey-Schulten, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA Elizabeth Jerison, University of Chicago, USA Arjun Raj, University of Pennsylvania, USA Plant Biophysics Markita Landry, University of California, Berkeley, USA, Chair Lucia Strader, Duke University, USA Diwakar Shukla, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA Martin Howard, John Innes Centre, United Kingdom Climate Change: Adaptation to Temperature Changes Kavita Rangan, University of California, San Diego, USA, Chair Emily Carrington, University of Washington, USA David Savage, University of California, Berkeley, USA Cesar Cuevas-Velazquez, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Presentation Preference Three major changes are being implemented for the 2024 Annual Meeting that will increase opportunities for participation. Please read the changes below carefully BEFORE moving forward with your abstract submission. I. “Symp Select” Speaker One additional speaker will be added to each symposium as a “Symp Select” speaker. If you are a principal investigator, you will have the option of choosing “Symp Select” when submitting your abstract. “Symp Select” speakers will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Program chairs will select one “Symp Select” speaker for each of the 20 symposium. II. Platform Presenters can also Present a Poster If you select a platform presentation option and are programmed as a talk, you will be able to indicate your preference to also present your work in a poster session. III. Five-Minute Flash Talks Instead of each platform having eight talks, this new change will allow for seven platform talks with three flash talks (5minutes each). These flash talks will be sched uled in the last speaking slot and presenters will also present this work in a poster session.
Abstract Topic Categories
• Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, Aggregates, and Condensates • Nucleic Acids • Lipids and Membranes • Cell Physiology and Bioenergetics • Channels and Transporters • Cytoskeleton, Motility, and Motors • Systems Biology • Biophysics of Neuroscience • New Developments in Biophysical Techniques • Bioengineering and Biomaterials • Biophysics Education
New Approached to Capture the Central Dogma in Eukaryotes
Xiaowei Zhuang, Harvard University, USA, Chair Timothy Stasevich, Colorado State University, USA Ning Zhao, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, USA Jumana AlHaj Abed, Harvard University, USA
WORKSHOPS Leveraging Education Research to Make Your Teaching More Effective Patricia Soto, Creighton University, USA, Chair Thomas Mennella, Western New England University, USA Catherine Crouch, Swarthmore College, USA Stephanie Gardner, Purdue University, USA In Situ Structural Biology (Cyro-Electron Tomography) Bridget Carragher, Chan Zuckerberg Institute, USA, Chair Julia Mahamid, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
Integrative Modeling: Beyond Experimental and Predicted Structures Rommie Amaro, University of California San Diego, USA, Chair Andrej Sali, University of California, San Francisco, USA Gerhard Hummer, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany Virginie Hamel, University of Geneva, Switzerland Pushing Imaging to Near Atomic Resolution In Situ Alice Pyne, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, Chair Christian Wurm, Abberior, Germany Hong Wang, North Carolina State University, USA Jonas Ries, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
Gaia Pigino, Human Technopole, Italy Gira Bhabha, New York University, USA
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