Biophysical Netsletter - May 2014





Polymers andSelf-Assembly: FromBiology toNanomaterials

Riode Janeiro, Brazil October 25–30, 2015

Many proteins assemble intopolymers, bothnaturally (as in actin and tubulin) andpathologically (as in amyloid). The study of the structure and functionof these biologi- cal polymers has been an important area of researchby

biophysicists. A large and growing community of chemists, chemical engineers, physicists, andmaterials scientists have been investigating the self-assembly of peptides formany purposes, from creatingnew bionanomaterials to forming assemblies for drug delivery. The aimof thismeeting is tobring together thesemultidisciplinary areas to share techniques and innovations, advancing our understanding of these complex systems.

Biophysics in theUnderstanding,Diagnosis, andTreatment of InfectiousDiseases

Stellenbosch, SouthAfrica November 16–20, 2015

Thismeetingwill explore the contributions of biophysics toour understanding of infectious diseases, focusing on tuberculosis,malaria, andHIV/AIDS. Themeetingwill provide a platform for scientists todiscuss the successes,

opportunities, and challenges for biophysics in structural biology,molecularmodeling, andhigh resolu- tionoptical techniques indiagnostics, therapeutics, and the basic science of the pathogen. Themeeting's location inSouthAfricawill provide the opportunity for attendees tomeetmanynew scientists and students.

Call for 2016ThematicMeetingProposals Submissiondeadline: June30, 2014

ThematicMeetingsareuniqueandexcitingbecause theybring together researcherswhodonototherwise attend the sameevents, bringingdifferentperspectives toaddressa commonproblem.AsaSocietymem- ber, youmay submit yourproposal for consideration. Checkyouremail later thismonth formoredetailsonhow to submitaproposal or and click 'Meetings' and then 'ThematicMeetings'.

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