Biophysical Newsletter - January 2014
Biophysical Society Newsletter
Biophysical Journal Corner
Biophysical Journal Award Biophysical Journal (BJ) is pleased to an- nounce the new Biophysical Journal Paper of the Year Award. The award will be pre- sented to the corresponding author of an outstanding paper published in the Journal during the previous 12 months beginning with January 2014 submissions. To qualify, the corresponding author must have re- ceived his/her PhD or MD within the past 12 years. The award will spotlight the high- quality work of young investigators who publish in BJ . The award will include a $1,000 prize and a speaking position at the Annual Meeting Awards Symposium. Regular research articles will be nominated by each of the Associate Editors and the award recipient will be selected by a committee of Associate Editors and the Editor-in Chief. Reviews The following Review was published in November: FRET Spectrometry: A New Tool for the Determination of Protein Quaternary Structure in Living Cells , Valerică Raicu , Deo R. Singh . New & Notables Each month a few papers are highlighted in BJ with a New & Notable article. These are commentaries in which the author can highlight a point, question, or controversy raised in the paper it discusses. Following is a list of New & Notable articles recently published.Visit to read the articles.
Capsid Deformations Reveal Complex Mechano-Chemistry, Konstantin I. Popov , Garegin A. Papoian , which highlights the paper: Structural Transitions and Energy Landscape for Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus
Capsid Mechanics from Nanomanipulation in Vitro and in Silico , Olga Kononova , Joost Snijder , Melanie Brasch , Jeroen Cornelissen , Ruxandra I. Dima , Kenneth A. Marx , Gijs J.L. Wuite , Wouter H. Roos , Valeri Barsegov .
Dynamic DNA Underpins Chro- mosome Dynamics , Andrew Trav- ers , which highlights the paper: Temperature Dependence of the DNA Double Helix at the Na- noscale: Structure, Elasticity, and
Fluctuations , Sam Meyer , Daniel Jost , Nikos Theodora- kopoulos , Michel Peyrard , Richard Lavery , Ralf Everaers . I s Potassium a Ubiquitous Media- tor of Vasodilation in the Central Nervous System? , Lane K. Bekar , Maiken Nedergaard , which high- lights the paper: Potassium Buffering in the Neurovascular Unit: Models and Sensitivity Analysis , Alexandra Witthoft , Jessica A. Filosa , George Em Karniadakis . Know the Editors Each month this section of the Newsletter highlights BJ editors.
Anne Kenworthy Vanderbilt University Editor for Membranes Section
Anne Kenworthy
Q: What is your area of research? My research interests lie at the interface of cell biology and biophysics. A major goal of my research program
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