Biophysical Newsletter - January 2014
Biophysical Society Newsletter
B r i d g i n g t h e S c i e n c e s t o E x p l o r e B i o l o g y
Career Center/ Job Board
Free Networking Cards for Poster Presenters Are you presenting a poster at the Annual Meeting this year? If so, you already have 25 pre-printed Net- working Cards waiting for you. Networking Cards are like business cards, but designed just for scientists. They provide your contact information, title of your abstract, your presentation date/time, and abstract content. Hand them out to oth- er researchers before, during, or after your poster presentation. Networking cards will be available for pick up in the Exhibit Hall. Look for more infor- mation in an email sent to you in January. Sponsored by Quartzy. com, the world’s lead- ing free online lab management platform.
For Job Seekers:
• Copies of your resume in the Resume Binder for employers to view onsite; • Job seeker’s name along with poster/platform presentation name and number (if applicable) included on the candidate listing page and given to all employers; • Time saved at the Annual Meeting. Resume/CV posting is FREE for all attendees. Can’t post your job or resume online by February 3? Don’t worry! You may still post your resume at the Annual Meeting, but your job posting or resume will not be included in the items listed above. For more information, please visit www. and click the Career Center tab. New Member Welcome Coffee All new Biophysical Society members are invited to participate in an informal gathering to meet members of the Society’s Council and com- mittees, learn about the Society’s activities, get acquainted with other new members, and enjoy refreshments. Current members are encouraged to attend and welcome the new members. Monday, February 17, 10:15 am –11:15 am
Looking for a new position? Have a position to fill? Visit the Career Center at the Annual Meet- ing. Candidates may post their CVs at no charge and apply for job openings. Employers wishing to advertise job opportunities may do so, and 2014 BPS members qualify for a reduced posting fee.
Annual Meeting Special: Employers and Job Seekers—Post Early to Save and Increase Visibility!
Post your job or resume on the Society Job Board between January 2 and February 3, indicate that you’re participating in the Annual Meeting Career Center, and receive the following advantages:
For Employers:
• Viewable job posting on the Society Job Board for 60 days; • Copies of your job posting or inclusion of your resume in the Resume Binder for participants to view onsite; • Inclusion on a listing of job postings given to all attendees; • The ability to set up interviews onsite at the meeting; • Time saved at the Annual Meeting.
Itinerary Planner— Now Available
Browse the over 4100 abstracts submitted for the Annual Meeeting and plan your daily schedules. To access the Itinerary Planner visit,
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