Biophysical Newsletter - June 2014
backgrounds in experiment, simulation and theory to discuss state-of-the-art advances on the in-cell behavior of biomolecules. The conferences below will foster new knowledge and help identifying key areas of future growth. Although these events are happening pretty soon, you may still have time to register. 1. Telluride Science Research Center workshop on Protein and Peptide Interactions in Cellular En- vironments , co-organized by Joan Emma Shea and Michael Feig from June 24 – June 28, 2014. This workshop brings together researchers from around the world in the beautiful city of Tellu- ride, Colorado in a small group setting to provide ample time for discussions on topics ranging from macromolecular crowding, chaperone-mediated folding, membrane-protein interactions and pro- tein aggregation. details?wid=345 2. CECAM workshop on the Self-organized Cyto- plasm , co-organized by Trevor Dale , Richard Sear , and Ignacio Pagonabarraga Mora from July 16- July 18, 2014. This workshop focuses on meso- scale dynamic structures formed in the cell and how they impact self-organized transport, protein solution phase behavior, and fluid mechanics. 3. FASEB Research Conference on Protein Folding in the Cell , co-organized by Jeffrey L. Brodsky and Pa- tricia L. Clark from July 20 – July 25, 2014. This conference will open with a keynote talk by past BIV chair Lila Gierasch and includes presentations on topics ranging from protein folding, chaperone machines, amyloid formation, and evolution of protein machines in the cellular environment. conf/Programs/11617.pdf — Jeetain Mittal , Secretary-Treasurer, BIV Subgroup
59 th Annual Meeting Baltimore, Maryland February 7-11, 2015
Bridging the Sciences: Computation and Experiment
Grants and Opportunities
Predoctoral Training in Biomedical Big Data Science (T32) Objective: To help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists is available in appropriate scientific disciplines to address the Nation’s bio- medical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. Who Can Apply: Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research training program as the Training Program Director/Principal Investigator (Training PD/PI), US public/state controlled institu- tions of higher education, private institutions of higher education.
Deadline: July 28, 2014
Website: files/RFA-HG-14-004.html
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