Biophysical Newsletter - June 2014
Proposal Deadline: June 30, 2014 Each year, the Biophysical Society sponsors focused-topic meetings for 150–300 attendees organized by Society members. The Society provides partial financial support up to $10,000 for these meetings in addition to meeting management, including all web and on-site components. The Society has sponsored these thematic meetings, which have taken place in various locations around the world, since 2010. These meetings are unique and exciting because they attract researchers who do not otherwise attend the same events, bringing different perspectives together to address common problems. Call for 2016 Thematic Meeting Proposals
The Society is now calling for proposals for 2016 thematic meetings. Complete submis- sions will be considered by the Thematic Meetings Committee and, pending review, organizers will be contacted for additional information. The Committee’s final recom- mendations will be submitted to the Soci- ety’s Council for approval in November. For criteria, submission requirements, and a complete listing of past and future meet- ings, visit ThematicMeetings/tabid/2256/Default. aspx. Proposals must be submitted through this submission site for consideration.
Summer Savings—Post a Job Today
Do you have an opening in your lab or company? Don’t miss out on these summer savings—purchase a 60-day Job Posting for just $40 on the Society’s online Job Board. All jobs must be posted by June 30 to receive the discount. By posting to the online Job Board, your job will be seen by biophysicists around the world—ensuring you will get ap- plications from top candidates. To post a job go to and click on the ‘Job Board’ icon. Then select the ‘Summer Savings’ special upon posting your job.
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