Biophysical Newsletter - March 2014
2014 SRAA Winners
Alex Holehouse , Washington University in St. Louis; Parsing the Contributions of Poly- peptide Backbones and Sidechains to Denatur- ation in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions of Urea and Guanidinium Chloride . Mechanobiology Hema Chandra Kotamarthi , Tata Institute of Fundamental Research; Experimental and Simulation Studies on the Mechanical Properties of Sumo Proteins . Membrane Biophysics Donald Chang , Columbia University; Cardio- myocyte Endpoints Distinguish Non-Canonical Regulation of the RGK GTPses Rad and Rem . Membrane Structure & Assembly Jonathan Zerweck , Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Structure Activity Relationship for a Synergistic Pair of Antimicrobial Peptides from the Magainin Family . Melinda Diver , Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Mapping the Substrate Binding Sites of the Integral Membrane Methyltransferase ICMT by Mutational Analysis . Molecular Biophysics Zackary Scholl , Duke University; N-Terminal Domain of Luciferase Controls Misfolding Avoidance . Motility Darshan Trivedi , Pennsylvania State Univer- sity; Dynamics of the Lever-Arm Swing in Myosin V Nanoscale Biophysics Karin Kornmueller , Medical University of Graz; Self-Assembly of an Amphiphilic Designer- Peptide into Double Helical Superstructures . Jaime Ortega Arroyo , University of Oxford; Label-Free, All-Optical Detection, Imaging and Nanometric Tracking of Single Proteins . Permeation & Transport Felix Hohendanner , Rush University Chicago; IP3 Receptor Mediated Ca Release in Atrial Cells from Normal and Failing Hearts .
A Few Words from Annual Meeting Attendees
Biophysical Society Annual Meeting is an opportunity to rein- force what I know, to learn a lot of new things relevant to my own research, and also to learn about cool things outside my field. – Archana Madhavan, BPS Blogger This is a wonderful opportunity to gain a better understand- ing for why so many scientists pursue bio- physics research and how I can play a role within the scientific community in the near future. – Joshua Yoon, BPS Blogger
The 15 winners of the annual Student Re- search Achievement Awards (SRAA) were recognized at the 58 th Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony on February 17. These students were selected by judges from the Society’s subgroups for their outstanding presentations during the poster competition. One hundred and thirty-nine students participated in the competition. The winners are: Bioenergetics Soroosh Solhjoo , Johns Hopkins University; Inhbition of Mitochondrial N a+ /Ca 2+ Exchanger Suppresses Ischemia/Reperfusion-induced Reentry in Monolayers of Cardiomyocytes. Biological Fluorescence Katherina Hemmen , Heinrich-Heine University; Deciphering Folding Pathways of Phage T4 Lysozyme: Influence of Multiple Con- formations . Biopolymers in vivo Shasha Chong , Harvard University; Mechanism of Transcriptional Bursting in Bacteria . Exocytosis & Endocytosis Czuee Morey , University of Lausanne; Interac- tion of Munc18c with Syntaxin4 and the Role of Munc18c in Exocytosis . Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Kiersten Ruff , Washington University in St. Louis; Role of Intrinsic Helicity within N- Terminal Flanking Sequences on Huntingtin Aggregation Mechanisms .
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