Biophysical Newsletter - September 2014
Students: When you submit your poster abstract for the 2015 Annual Meeting, be sure to also ap- ply for a travel award by October 3 and to apply for the Student Research Achievement Award (SRAA) poster competition by October 1. Learn more about the SRAA competition at http:// tabid/4845/Default.aspx. Note that Biopolymers in Vivo, is one of the featured SRAA categories. Finally, keep up with the latest BIV subgroup news and announcements by following us on twit- ter (username: vivo) or by liking us on facebook (https://www. See you in Baltimore next February! — Anna Simon , graduated student representative, BIV subgroup — Max Prigozhin , postdoc representative, BIV subgroup
Anna Simon
Max Prigozhin
Get ready for the upcoming Annual Meeting and BIV Symposium
Hello and fall greetings from the new Biopolymers in Vivo subgroup graduate student and postdoc representatives! We have several exciting subgroup events planned for the 2014-15 academic year. Coming up first is the BIV subgroup logo contest. Students and postdocs: Be sure to enter the contest to get a chance to create the new face of the BIV subgroup and win a $350 award as well as a free logo t-shirt! Entries are due November 30, 2014. Next, be sure to renew your Biophysical Society membership and to register for the Bio- physical Society 59th Annual Meeting, which will take place in Baltimore, Maryland, on February 7-11, 2015. We have several BIV-specific events planned at the meeting, including an exciting BIV subgroup symposium on Saturday February 7 focusing on the theme Interaction Networks in Living System s, followed by a BIV dinner. To secure a seat at the dinner, sign up for it when you renew your BIV membership. The BIV symposium promises to be a lot of fun and will include Xiaowei Zhuang , Har- vard University, and Jamie Williamson , Scripps Research Institute, as keynote speakers, as well as Ivet Bahar, University of Pittsburgh, Gerhard Hummer , Max Planck Institute, Frankfurt, Robert Singer , Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Jin Zhang , Johns Hopkins University. Two ad- ditional speakers will be chosen from the abstracts submitted by postdocs/junior faculty.
Members in the News
Sandra Schmid , University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and So- ciety member since 2008, has recently been awarded the WICB Senior Lead- ership Award from the American Society for Cell Biology. Michael Sheetz , Columbia University and Society member since 1984, is the most recent recipient of the Keith R. Porter Lecture Award from the American Society for Cell Biology.
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