Biophysical Society 2020 Annual Meeting

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Bruker Corporation

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ELEMENTS SRL Low-Noise, Handheld Amplifiers for Electrophysiology and Nanopore Applications Ultra-portable and cost-effective amplifier technology is now a reality accessible to any electrophysiology research lab, thanks to Elements miniaturized products, based on our custom CMOS microchips. In this presentation, we will be featuring our latest products through the hands-on experience of current customers from the US, Europe, and Japan. You will hear first-hand accounts about their research and the results they got using: • The world’s smallest integrated patch clamp amplifier, ePatch • A handheld nanopore kit for nanoparticle detection using dis- posable glass nanopore chips, eNPR Attend this presentation to learn about: • The advantages of using a versatile and compact nano-current amplifier technology • Portable nanopore solution for protein detection using dispos- able nanopore chips • How the world's smallest and cheapest patch clamp amplifier is radically changing patch-clamp measurements • Different user experience ranging from patch-clamp on live cells, to exosome detection using solid state nanopores, as well as lipid bilayer experiments Complimentary Italian hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served. Seating is limited. Speakers Federico Thei, Chief Executive Officer, ELEMENTS SRL Alessandro Porro, Application Scientist, ELEMENTS SRL Guilherme Henrique Bomfim, Researcher, New York University Nelly Mnatsakanyan, Assistant Professor, Yale University David Niedzwiecki, Scientist, Goeppert LLC Mark Platt, Senior Lecturer, University of Loughborough Masato Nishio, Tokyo University

Multiplexed Imaging and Superresolution Microscopy Using the Vutara 352 Microscope with Integrated Fluidics System The Vutara 352 super resolution microscope has been designed for single molecule localization microscopy in multiple types of biological samples. However, most current methods for super resolution micros- copy are limited to three- to four-targets due to the limited number of dyes compatible with quality super resolution techniques. This talk presents a method for multiplexing single molecule localization micros- copy imaging within a biological sample through the use of an integrated automated microfluidics system. Probe multiplexing allows for the imag- ing of greater than four different targets within a cell. Using the Vutara 352 and integrated fluidics unit we will show the three-dimensional oli- goSTORM imaging of a multiplexed oligoPAINT labeled chromosome in individual human fibroblast cells along with 3D multi probe DNA-PAINT based single molecule localization data for antibody labeled targets in cell culture and tissue slices. The Vutara 352 with integrated fluidics and SRX software provides a powerful suite of tools for simultaneous imaging, localization, visualization and statistical analysis of multiplexed single molecule super resolution data. Speaker Robert Hobson, Applications Scientist, Bruker Corporation


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