Biophysical Society 2020 Annual Meeting

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM LUMICKS

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Olympus America Inc Advancements in Lens Manufacturing Technology Develop New X Line Objective Lenses Researchers use microscopes as essential tools for advancing their sci- ence, and objective lenses are crucial components of the system. Many applications benefit from high-quality images with a large field of view, but there is usually a trade-off where improvements in one area of imag- ing, such as flatness of field, lead to a decrease in another area such as chromatic correction. Conventional objective lens manufacturing tech- nology forced a trade-off between numerical aperture, image flatness, and chromatic correction, making it difficult to improve all three in one objective. Olympus, with 100 years of innovative optical solutions for life sciences, has developed a new lens polishing technology that creates lenses with shapes that are difficult to fabricate using other methods. These improvements enable manufacturing of convex lenses with ultra- thin edges as well as ultra-thin concave lenses, which lead to more lenses being packaged in each objective housing, increasing the NA, image flat- ness, and chromatic correction range. In this presentation, you will learn how these improvements advance optical performance and a range of applications. Speaker James Lopez, Manager-Life Science Applications Group, Olympus America Inc 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Applied Photophysics Discover When Change is Significant: Latest Developments in Circular Dichroism and Stopped-Flow Kinetics Applied Photophysics has remained at the forefront of the technologies of circular dichroism and stopped-flow kinetics since its creation in 1971 by the Royal Institution of Great Britain under the leadership of Nobel Prize-winning Lord Port. In the first part of the presentation, the latest developments regarding the Chirascan CD spectrometers will be introduced. Case studies will be discussed to illustrate that CD spectroscopy with Chirascan is far more powerful than the traditional use of revealing the protein secondary structures such as α-helix and β-sheet. With Chirascan CD spectrom- eters, information regarding secondary structures, as well as tertiary structures, thermal and chemical stability can be clearly demonstrated. Moreover, the introduction of automatic CD spectrometers provides unparalleled sensitivity, reproducibility and productivity. It provides a novel approach for objective, quantifiable higher order structure (HOS) comparisons. The introduction of the Circularly Polarized Luminescence (CPL) accessory makes the Chirascan more economical and versatile. In the second part of the presentation, the latest developments in the SX Stopped-Flow systems will be discussed. Stopped-Flow systems from Applied Photophysics are known for its high performance, ease-of-use and durability and we have made them better. We introduce LED light sources and various accessories, such as dual fluorescence detection, fluorescence polarization/anisotropy, and photodiode array detector. Applications in enzymology and protein structures will be discussed. Speakers Marc Neglia, Sales Director, Applied Photophysics Americas Frank Yuan, Applications Scientist, Applied Photophysics Darek Silwa, Sales Manager, Applied Photophysics

Breaking the Barriers: Providing the Full Workflow for Dynamic Single-Molecule Research from Sample to Publication Here, we present our newest developments to further support discov- eries in the fields of biology and biophysics. Our aim is to enable faster, easier, and more reliable than ever single-molecule research – from sample to publication – by extending the full experimental workflow with new services and open-access initiatives. To decipher complex molecular interactions, you need to be able to observe the same biological process from multiple points of view. Using LUMICKS’ groundbreaking C-Trap™ Optical Tweezers –Fluorescence & Label-free Microscopy, you can simultaneously visualize individual mol- ecules in real time and measure biological processes in greater detail. The combination of live-imaging and measurements has proven to be a research game changer. With the ever-increasing pressure to perform breakthrough discoveries in the least amount of time, LUMICKS brings you an instrument with unprecedented high precision, accuracy, reliability, and the shortest time to result. The C-Trap gives you access to three key features: stable and precise sample manipulation and measurements, a wide variety of visualization capabilities, and a high throughput experimental workflow. With the technology in hand, the major barriers that still remain in dynamic single-molecule experimentation are caused by tedious sample preparation and non-standardized data analysis methods. With ready-to-use kits, tailored sample preparation support, and easy- to-use data analysis, scientists can now focus more on their biological questions and generate the next wave of scientific discoveries in the least amount of time. Join our presentation to learn about our new single-molecule biochem- istry services and our open-access user community for experiment auto- mation and data analysis in single-molecule research. Speakers Olivier Heyning, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, LUMICKS Emmanuel Lissek, Application Scientist, LUMICKS Ali Raja, Director Americas, LUMICKS

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