Biophysical Society 2020 Annual Meeting
Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number
ID Quantique SA Chemin de la Marbrerie 3 Carouge/Geneva, 1227 Switzerland
Ionovation GmbH Gewerbepark 9-11 Bissendorf, 49143 Germany
28600 Mary’s Court Easton, MD 21601
JASCO will be exhibiting a range of bio- physical characterization tools including Circular Dichroism, Fluorescence and FTIR instrumentation. The JASCO J-1000 Series Spectrophotometers provide an optical bench specifically designed for high sensitivity mea- surements in the far- and near-UV regions. Temperature control systems can be coupled with multi-position cells to run thermal melts. Automated high-throughput CD can obtain measurements on up to 192 samples without user intervention, saving both time and money. Microsampling cells provide measurements on sample volumes as low as 2 microliters.
IDQ’s visible & NIR (near infrared) SPAD detectors, superconducting nanowire SNSPD systems, and picosecond timing electronics are used in membrane biophysics and single cell dynamics with TCSPC. TCSPC is at the heart of many methods in photolumines- cence, phosphorescence and fluorescence lifetime (e.g. FLIM, FRET) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS, etc.) and is applied to e.g. protein-protein, receptor- ligand, RNA-protein, and biopolymer interac- tions, in studies of conformational changes in membrane channels & other hetero- structures, and with quantum dots and other nanomaterials. IonOptix manufactures high-performance fluorescence and muscle function data acqui- sition and analysis systems. Well known for our popular Cardiomyocyte Calcium and Contractility System, we’re proud to offer our new MultiCell high-throughput system for fast calcium and contractility data acquisition and analysis in isolated myocytes. Always innovating, IonOptix now offers calcium and force measurements in whole muscle as well as isolated cardiomyocytes, and our C-Stretch enables combined stretch and electrical stim- ulation in cultured cells – easy-to-use with the new C-Pace Navigator software. IonOptix 703 396 University Avenue Westwood, MA 02090
Ionovation represents a wealth of experi- ence in microscopy and electrophysiology. Our product line comprises Nobel Prize 2018 awarded technology: adjustment free opti- cal tweezers with unique video based force detection. Fluorescence and Quantitative Phase Contrast microscopy combined with organ on chip technology complete the pic- ture. Another field of Ionovation’s activity is lipid bilayer electrophysiology: We offer auto- mated workstations and advanced versions as add-ons for inverted microscopes. Our mis- sion is to provide state-of-the-art technology and services for your research projects.
IOP Publishing
Journal of Biological Chemistry (ASBMB) 11200 Rockville Pike, Suite 302 Rockville, MD 20852
Temple Circus, Temple Way Bristol, BS1 6HG United Kingdom
IOP Publishing provides a range of journals, ebooks, conference proceedings, and digital products services covering research in the physical sciences and beyond. IOP Publishing is owned by the UK Institute of Physics, a not-for-profit society. Any profit earned by IOP Publishing goes directly to the Institute to support its activities.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) publishes papers based on original research that contributes to the understanding of molecular and cellular basis of biological processes. All accepted manuscripts are available for free to the public on the day of acceptance. Average time from submission to first decision is 17 days for regular articles. JBC is published by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
1602 Newton Drive Champaign, IL 61822
Journal of General Physiology 950 Third Avenue, Floor 2 New York, NY 10022
For over 30 years, ISS has been a pioneer in producing scientific instrumentation. Applications include FRET, FLIM, FCS, FCCS, PCH, STED and all FFS techniques. Experts in absolute measurements of oxygen saturation in brain and muscle tissue. We host a variety of modular components that complement the instrumentation: laser diodes, LEDs, high pressure cell and fiber optic sensors among an extensive line of accessories; data acquisi- tion cards for FCS and FLIM, laser launchers, galvo-scanning mirrors and detector units. Stop by our booth to learn more.
Journal of General Physiology (JGP) publishes mechanistic and quantitative cellular and molecular physiology of the highest quality. All editorial decisions are made by research- active scientists. Established in 1918, JGP recently celebrated 100 years. JGP publishes 12 issues per year.
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