Biophysical Society 2020 Annual Meeting

Company Name Booth Number

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Molecular Devices 3860 N 1st Street San Jose, CA 95134


Montana Molecular 366 Gallatin Park Drive, Unit A Bozeman, MT 59715


Nanion Technologies


Ganghoferstr 70A Munich, 80339 Germany

Molecular Devices is one of the world’s lead- ing providers of high-performance bioana- lytical measurement systems, software and consumables for life science research, phar- maceutical and biotherapeutic development. Included within a broad product portfolio are platforms for high-throughput screening, genomic and cellular analysis, colony selec- tion and microplate detection. These leading- edge products enable scientists to improve productivity and effectiveness, ultimately accelerating research and the discovery of new therapeutics. Molecular Vista provides tools that probe and understand matter at the molecular level through quantitative visualization. Its flag- ship product, VistaScope, is a flexible hybrid atomic force microscope (AFM) and optical spectroscopy platform for studying material & biological systems with chemical specificity and nanometer spatial resolution. VistaScope is equipped with patented photo-induced force microscopy (PiFM) which can resolve the nanometer-scale distribution of chemi- cal species in multi-component systems, revealing an unprecedented and spectacular molecular vista to the researcher. NEW 2020 Molecular Vista Inc 6840 Via Del Oro, Suite 110 San Jose, CA 95119

Montana Molecular develops genetically- encoded fluorescent biosensors for drug discovery and to observe and measure cell signaling with high spatiotemporal resolu- tion. Detection is compatible with fluores- cence imaging systems, microscopes, and automated plate readers. Each biosensor is packaged in a viral vector for detection in any cell type and can be used to make direct measurements of arrestin cAMP, DAG, Ca 2+ , cGMP, PIP2, PIP3 and ER stress. Custom BacMam vector production services are avail- able to enable efficient expression of any gene including ion channels and other large constructs.

Nanion is a leading provider of automated patch clamp systems with throughput capa- bilities ranging from 50 to 20.000 high quality dp/day, in formats from 1 to 384 recording channels. Since 2002, Nanion expanded its product range to in vitro systems for membrane pump/transporter, and bilayer recordings, and confluency and contractil- ity measurements from cells monolayers (impedance/EFP). Join us at Booth 514 to discover Nanion´s newest automated patch clamp family additions (SyncroPatch 384i, Dynamite8 and Port-a-Patch mini), and the newest add-on for measuring true contractil- ity (FLEXcyte 96). NanoAndMore USA Corp 818 21 Brennan Street, Suite 10 Watsonville, CA 95076 NanoAndMore USA is your #1 Source for the major brands of SPM and AFM probes from NanoWorld™, NANOSENSORS™, nanoto- ols™, BudgetSensors™, sQube™, OPUS™ and MikroMasch™ covering all application needs from education to research and industry. Pass by our booth or check out our website to find out more about our built-in Quantity Discounts for AFM probes, Free AFM probe samples, Calibration Standards and other products for nanotechnology. NanoSurface Biomedical provides in vitro platforms and services for cell and tissue engineering, disease modeling, and funda- mental cell biology research. NanoSurface technologies feature biomimetic surfaces that imitate the native ECM, promot- ing the alignment, maturity, and phenotypic development of cardiomyocytes, skeletal muscle, and many more cell types. The NanoSurface Cytostretcher family of cell-stretching systems are able to provide both structural and mechanical cues to cells and tissues, with fully customizable program- mable stretch routines. NanoSurface Biomedical 4000 Mason Road, Suite 304 Seattle, WA 98195 720


Multi Channel Systems Aspen Haustrasse 21 Reutlingen, 72770 Germany


Multi Channel Systems provides scientific equipment for in vitro and in vivo electro- physiological research including MEA-Systems for extracellular recordings using micro- electrode arrays, automated patch clamp systems, and robots for TEVC in Xenopus oocytes. Our automated devices, Robocyte2 and PatchServer are ideal for time saving allowing you to focus on what really mat- ters, research. Visit our booth to see why our over 20 years of experience and international distribution network have made us a global market leader in the field of non-clinical elec- trophysiology with microelectrode arrays.

Don’t forget to pick up a Passport Competition booklet inside the entrance of the Exhibit Hall and enter to win a Bose Portable Bluetooth Speaker!


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