Biophysical Society 2020 Annual Meeting

Company Name Booth Number

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Olympus America Inc 48 Woerd Avenue Waltham, MA 02453


PCO America 6930 Metroplex Drive Romulus, MI 48174


PicoQuant Photonics North America Inc 9 Trinity Drive West Springfield, MA 01089


Olympus is a global technology leader, craft- ing innovative optical and digital solutions in medical technologies; life sciences; industrial solutions; and cameras and audio products. Throughout our nearly 100-year history, Olympus has focused on being true to soci- ety and making people’s lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling. Our life sciences business is dedicated to meeting and exceeding the evolving needs and expectations of life sci- ence professionals through a comprehensive range of clinical, educational and research microscopes and microscope systems. OriginLab Corporation 432 1 Roundhouse Plaza, Suite 303 Northampton, MA 01060 Origin is an industry-leading graphing and data analysis software for science and engi- neering. Features include 100+ customizable 2D, 3D, statistical and specialized graphs, batch plotting, curve fitting, peak analysis, signal processing, advanced statistics, result recalculation on data or parameter change, batch analysis, and programming support for C, R, and Python.

PCO is a leading specialist and pioneer in cameras and optoelectronics with more than 30 years of expert knowledge and experience of developing and manufacturing high-end imaging systems. The company’s cutting edge sCMOS and high-speed cameras are used in scientific and industrial research, automo- tive testing, quality control, metrology and a large variety of other applications all over the world.

Product lines include Pulsed Diode Lasers, Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) electronics and detectors, fluores- cence lifetime spectrometers, time-resolved fluorescence microscopes and upgrade kits for Laser Scanning Microscopes. Applications include Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), superresolution micros- copy.



3440 E Britannia Drive, Suite 100 Tucson, AZ 85706

PIEZOCONCEPT 15 Rue du Bocage Lyon, 69008 France


Founded in 1978, Teledyne Photometrics is now part of the Teledyne Imaging Group. Teledyne Photometrics is the world’s premier designer and manufacturer of high-perfor- mance sCMOS, EMCCD and CCD cameras for life science research. The original architect of the world’s first scientific-grade microscopy EMCCD camera, Teledyne Photometrics maintains its leadership role with the release of the Prime 95B, the first sCMOS camera with 95% quantum efficiency. Teledyne Photometrics also offers comprehensive OEM support, including fully characterized, cost-efficient imaging systems and compo- nents.

PIEZOCONCEPT is the leading provider of nanopositioners dedicated to applications such as superresolution microscopy, optical trapping and atomic force microscopy. Our customers include many leading scientists engaged in leading edge research at world class universities and institutes. We devel- oped a range of ultra-stable nanopositionner able to meet a wide range of microscopy applications with significant advantages over the currently available nanopositionners. As one of our biggest advantages, the sensor we use has exceptionally high signal, leading to picometric stability.

Oxford Instruments America Inc 300 Baker Avenue, Suite 150


PI (Physik Instrumente)


Concord, MA 01742

16 Albert Street Auburn, MA 01501

Quantum Design 10307 Pacific Center Court San Diego, CA 92121


Oxford Instruments offers a range of micro- analytical techniques, such as EDS and EBSD, which provide critical information to comple- ment conventional imaging-based tech- niques. Our analytical systems are optimized for applications in the bio and life sciences, improving sensitivity, throughput and broad- ening the range of biological applications.

NEW 2020

ISO-9001-certified, global leader in precision motion solutions. Piezo Mechanisms, Air Bearings, Hexapods, Photonics Alignment, Nanopositioning, Micropositioning, Piezo Positioning Systems, Linear Motors & Rotary Stages for OEM & Research. Products: Nanopositioning Systems; 6-Axis Hexapod Alignment Systems, Microscopy Stages; Lens Positioners; Tip/Tilt Mirrors; Piezo Transducers, Piezo Actuators; Piezo Motors, Piezo Drivers & Digital Motion Controllers; Voice Coil Actuators, MicroMotion Robots.

Since its inception in 1982, Quantum Design International (a privately held corporation) has developed and manufactured automated temperature and magnetic field testing plat- forms for materials characterization. These systems offer a variety of measurement capa- bilities and are in widespread use in the fields of physics, chemistry, biotechnology, materi- als science, nanotechnology, and quantum information research.


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