Biophysical Society 2020 Annual Meeting

Company Name Booth Number

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Image Analysis Software Allen Institute for Cell Science

Labeling Dyes Crayon technologies Inc  Cytocybernetics Inc

Liquid Chromatography Instruments JASCO 

 418  139 721 614 432

632  840

Aurora Scientific Inc Boston Electronics   Nikon Instruments Inc  OriginLab Corporation 


TCI America  419 Laboratory Apparatus & Equipment Alvéole  628 Electron Microscopy Sciences  319 RWD Life Science  117 Lasers Molecular Devices  501 PicoQuant Photonics North America Inc  609 Rapp OptoElectronic GmbH  710 RPMC Lasers Inc  111 Life Sciences Agilent  505 Alvéole  628 AnaBios  211 BioCAT  430 BioTek Instruments Inc  216 Bon Opus Biosciences  217 Cedarlane  204 Excelitas Technologies  729 ISS Inc  715 Larodan AB  532 Metrion Biosciences   214 Navitar  533 Nicoya  115 Photometrics  615 RWD Life Science  117 T&T Scientific Corporation  530 Light Sheet Microscopy ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation  529 Bruker Corporation  515 Mad City Labs Inc  500 Mizar Imaging  820 Navitar  533 Olympus America Inc  604 Photometrics  615 PIEZOCONCEPT  732 Light Sources 89 North 709 ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation  529 Chroma Technology 709 Excelitas Technologies  729 Rapp OptoElectronic GmbH  710 Sutter Instrument  400 Thorlabs  309 Lipids Avanti Polar Lipids Inc  601 Cedarlane  204 Larodan AB  532 Matreya LLC  405 T&T Scientific Corporation  530 TCI America  419 Liposome Preparation Equipment Avanti Polar Lipids Inc  601 T&T Scientific Corporation  530

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Bruker Corporation  NMRbox | CoMD/NMR | MagLab 

515 133

Image Analysis, High Resolution Abbelight 

730 209 414 621

Etaluma Inc 

Mass Spectrometry Avanti Polar Lipids Inc

Oxford Instruments America Inc 

 601  405 329

PCO America 

Matreya LLC

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 

Image Intensifiers Axiom Optics

 631  621

PCO America

Mathematical and Statistical Software KinTek Corporation NMRbox | CoMD/NMR | MagLab 

Image Stabilization Mad City Labs Inc  Imaging Chambers Live Cell Instrument 

 401 133  432


OriginLab Corporation

333 428  304

Micro Environmental Control Alvéole


Warner Instruments

 628 720

NanoSurface Biomedical  

Imaging Systems ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 529 Axiom Optics  631 BioTek Instruments Inc  216 HEKA   302 Live Cell Instrument  333 Mad City Labs Inc  500 Mizar Imaging  820 Nikon Instruments Inc  614 PCO America  621 Sutter Instrument  400 Thorlabs  309 Incubators Linnowave  719 Live Cell Instrument  333 TOKAI HIT USA INC  528 Warner Instruments  304 Infrared Spectroscopy JASCO  617 Molecular Vista Inc  718 Ion Channels AnaBios  211 Cytocybernetics Inc  840 Fluxion Biosciences  320 Metrion Biosciences   214 SB Drug Discovery  531 Warner Instruments  304 Isotope-Labeled Compounds Larodan AB  532 Matreya LLC  405 Label Free Sensing Molecular Vista Inc  718 Navitar  533 Nicoya  115

Microdissecting Instruments Rapp OptoElectronic GmbH 


Microelectrode Holders Sutter Instrument 

400  304

Warner Instruments

Microfluidic Chambers Ecocyte Bioscience US LLC 

728 320 101 304

Fluxion Biosciences 


Warner Instruments 

Microinjectors ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 

529 400 304

Sutter Instrument  Warner Instruments 

Micromanipulators ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 

529 319  500 400 238

Electron Microscopy Sciences 

Mad City Labs Inc Sutter Instrument 

Zaber Technologies Inc 

Micropipette Pullers Sutter Instrument 


Micropositioners ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation 

529 500  610

Mad City Labs Inc 

PI (Physik Instrumente)


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