Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting Program Guide

Room B: Sunday, February 8

email to The number of available spaces, food and drink are limited, and registrations are accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Who should attend? • Scientists with experience in patch clamp electrophysiology and related scientific techniques • Researchers who want to become more efficient in the use of electrophysiology acquisition and analysis software • PostDocs and graduate students who want to learn more about electrophysiology techniques Presenters Hubert Affolter, Senior Software Architect, HEKA Elektronik Christian Heinemann, General Manager, HEKA Elektronik Telly Galiatsatos, General Manager, HEKA Instruments 1:30 pm –3:00 pm KinTek Corporation KinTek Explorer Software: New Advances in Fitting Kinetic and Equilibrium Data Fitting kinetic data based upon numerical integration of rate equations offers many advantages over conventional fitting of data based upon equa- tions derived from simple models. Fitting by simulation is the most rigor- ous and eliminates numerous errors in simplifying assumptions needed to derive equations. Every day papers are published that contain errors in kinetic analysis that could have been avoided if the data had been fit using KinTek Explorer software. In this presentation, Dr. Johnson will show how global fitting of kinetic data can be accomplished with ease using the fast, dynamic simulation in KinTek Explorer software, overcoming the all-to-common errors in conventional fitting. Moreover, data are fit to derive rate constants directly defining steps in a model, not merely observed rates (Eigenvalues). New advances in the software allow fitting kinetic data from single molecule experiments and families of curves can be fit simultaneous to define voltage-dependent rate constants or data from Temperature-jump or Pressure-jump experiments. In addition, equilibrium titration data can be fit using a unique endpoint simulation method, and time-resolved spectra can be fit using singular value decomposition (SVD). All experiments can be fit simultaneously and accurate error estimates are derived using robust confidence contour analysis Presenters Kenneth A. Johnson, President, KinTek Corporation Roger Williams, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin Room A: Tuesday, February 10

10:30 am –12:00 noon Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC Technology Innovations from ZEISS, the New ZEISS LSM 880 Confocal with Airyscan and the ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 New microscopes from ZEISS address both ends of the spectrum of sam- ples, live high speed imaging with superresolution and high speed imaging of large live and fixed tissues. Learn how the ZEISS LSM880 with Airyscan maintains the mantra that each photon of emission light is precious, while expanding the triangle of sensitivity, resolution and speed of acquisition. The LSM 880 with Airyscan allows you to use multicolor samples with any label and get image quality like you’ve never seen before. With Airyscan you are always able to select the optimal acquisition strategy for your sample: Simply decide whether you want to gain 1.7x higher resolution in all three dimensions – resulting in a 5x smaller confocal volume. Or push the sensi- tivity beyond the limits of all conventional confocals. Or use the increase in signal-to-noise ratio to speed up your image acquisition. Traditionally, deeply imaging into intact tissue typically requires multipho- ton excitation to penetrate deeper than near the surface of a tissue. Using a “clearing” method to remove the light obstructing opaque molecules from a tissue has been another technique for deep imaging. Techniques such as SCALE, CLARITY, ClearT, SeeDB, CUBIC and others have allowed researchers to image deeper than a millimeter into cleared animal model brains and organs. The ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 features high speed image acquisition and greatly reduced photodamage making imaging of live developmental samples and fixed and cleared tissues easier than ever before. Come learn about using the innovative ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 microscope for imaging of fixed and cleared tissues. Presenters Joseph Huff, Product Marking Manager, Laser Scanning and Superresolution Microscopy, Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC Scott Olenych, Product Marketing Manager, Imaging Products, Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC


Biophysical Society 59 th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland

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