Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting Program Guide
Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number
Cell Press
Electron Microscopy Sciences 279 1560 Industry Road Hatfield, PA 19440 Electron microscopy sciences will have on display their complete line of accessories, chemicals, supplies and equipment for all fields of micros- copy, biological research and general laboratory requirements. As well as our full line of tools, tweezers and dissecting equipment NEW elements srl 292
600 Technology Square, 5th floor Cambridge, MA 02139
2635 North First San Jose, CA 95134
Cobolt has, since the year 2000, been com- mitted to supplying high performance, quality and robustness. Through continuous technology development, true customer dedication and a high tech manufacturing line following an ISO- certified quality management system. Cobolt has become a preferred supplier to many major instrument manufacturers and leading research labs. CRC Press / Taylor 528 & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Taylor & Francis / CRC Press is a premier pub- lisher of textbooks, manuals, references, databas- es, and journals in print and electronic formats. Please drop by to browse titles, including the Series in Computational Biophysics (Nikolay Dokholyan, Series Editor) and Essentials of In Vivo Biomedical Imaging by Simon Cherry and co-authors. Ecocyte Bioscience US LLC 370 5214 Burleson Road, Suite 101 Austin, TX 78744 EcoCyte Bioscience is a leading supplier of Xenopus oocytes in the US and Europe. Our oocytes are defolliculated via collagenase treat- ment and ready to use for expression studies. Additionally, we offer contract services such as two electrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes and intra- and extracellular recordings from tis- sue slices.
On behalf of the Biophysical Society, Cell Press publishes the Biophysical Journal, the leading international journal for original biophysics research focused on emerging biophysical tech- nologies, channels, protein clusters & mem- branes, and more. Visit booth 535 to learn about this exciting partnership and Biophysical Society member discounts on journals.
Via Montalti 42 Cesena, 47521 Italy
ChanTest, A Charles River Company
14656 Neo Parkway Cleveland, OH 44128
elements, an innovative startup in the microelec- tronic field, designs and produces high-accuracy singleandmultichannelmeasurementinstrumen- tationbasedoncustom-madeCMOSmicrochips. We present a new low-cost current amplifier: eONE, the World’s smallest complete system for nanopores and single-channel electrophysiology studies. Easy to use, suitable for research and didactic work.
ChanTest has tested compounds for 300+ global pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to speed the drug development process. ChanTest offers myriad ion channel services (GLP and non-GLP) and reagents. ChanTest has been named the “most trusted and most used fee-for- service provider” for ion channel screening in an independent survey since 2006.
Extrel CMS
575 Epsilon Drive, Suite 2 Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Extrel, CMS is the world’s leading manufac- turer of research and process mass spectrometers, residual gas analyzers, and quadrupole mass spectrometry components. For 50 years, Extrel, CMS’s instruments have been recognized for exceptional performance, reliability, and flexibil- ity complemented by the most comprehensive application, technical, and on-site support in the industry.
Chroma Technology
10 Imtec Lane Bellows Falls, VT 05101
Chroma Technology designs and manufactures optical interference filters using advanced sput- tering technologies. Our high performance filters are intended for imaging applications ranging from widefield and confocal fluorescence micros- copy, TIRF and super-resolution techniques to flow cytometry, high content screening, multi- photon and Raman spectroscopy. Chroma also provides comprehensive technical and applica- tions support.
FEI Company
Edinburgh Instruments
5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive Hillsboro, OR 97124
2 Bain Square Livingston, EH54 7DQ
United Kingdom
Building on the experience as the leading electron microscopy manufacturer and a commitment to innovation, FEI Life Sciences offers a compre- hensive range of workflow solutions enabling scientists to achieve better results quickly and more easily. More customers achieve results and recognition working with FEI than with any other solution provider.
Edinburgh Instruments are the experts and world leaders in fluorescence spectroscopy. With unparalleled customer support and instruments with the highest sensitivity available our prod- ucts include Steady-State, Time-Resolved and Transient Absorption fluorescence spectrometers, and TCSPC light sources. The low cost FS5 Spectrofluorometer is the latest addition to our product range.
NEW New 2015 Exhibitor
Biophysical Society 59 th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
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