Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting Program Guide
Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number
Teknologiantie 13 Oulu, 90590 Finland
Baltorpvej 154 Ballerup, DK-2750 Denmark
SensiQ Technologies Inc 800 Research Parkway, Suite 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Your partner for high precision positioning in electrophysiology, optogenetics, microinjec- tions and general motion control applications. Most compact, versatile and scalable micro- manipulation systems for multiple manipula- tor applications and for PC control interfacing (open-source software development kit available). Come and test our new high-end micromanipu- lator with sub-nanometer positioning resolution!
Our product range offers the most flexible automated patch clamp (APC) systems on the market. QPatch product line consists of three fully APC systems and covers a wide range of throughput needs. Qube is a HTS system for ion channel screening for use in laboratories needing thousands of data points/day.
SensiQ presents Dynamic SPR injection tech- niques in booth (643) and Exhibitor Workshop (Tuesday February 10th, Room B, 10:30am). These one-pass kinetic and equilibrium single injection techniques, reduce error/noise. Load one, highest analyte concentration vial and FastStep® (stepwise) or OneStep® (continuous gradient) concentrations are created. FastStep®’s patented onboard micro-mixing creates increas- ing fixed concentrations without partial dissocia- tion responses, improving throughput. OneStep®, Taylor dispersion fluidics, establish a continuous analyte gradient concentration then flowed over the surface to generate a sigmoidal binding curve, introduces time dependency that is not possible conventionally and provides quantitative separa- tion of multiple affinity binding sites. OneStep® increases the dynamic range of allowable concen- trations eliminating test injections or guesswork for unknown affinities. OneStep® provides added data content in SPR experiments by providing a measure of the analyte diffusion coefficient to help identify analytes that have a tendency to oligomerize or aggregate.
233 Spring Street New York, NY 10013
Looking to publish your research? Discover Springer’s print and electronic publication ser- vices, including open access! Get high-quality review, maximum readership and rapid dis- tribution. Visit our booth or biophys. You can also browse key titles in your field and buy (e)books at discount pric- es. With Springer you are in good company. Stanford Photonics Inc 275 1032 Elwell Court, Suite 104 Palo Alto, CA 94303 Stanford Photonics designs and manufactures digital intensified CCD, intensified CMOS & specialized CCD cameras and integrated imag- ing platforms for advanced applications. Patented -Z™ technology provides lowest noise, lowest limit of detection with dark counts 50-100 times lower than deep cooled EMCCD cameras. Full 1.4 Megapixel resolution, single photon/single molecule detection/viewing, speeds to 8000 fps, and dynamic ROI measurement-tracking tools are enabled by Piper Control™ capture-control & RAID-based streaming software that also supports latest sCMOS cameras at full speed & resolution. ONYX™ Black Box System includes support for internal macro (1X to 0.1X) and micro (5X 0.5 N.A.) scanned/sequential X-Y-Z imaging.
Siskiyou Corporation
110 SW Booth Street Grants Pass, OR 97526
Siskiyou Corporation manufactures microma- nipulators, motion control devices, tissue slicers, translation stages, probe clamps, construction hardware, adjustable platforms, tilt tables, and other laboratory equipment for microbiological research and general experimenting. Siskiyou Corporation carries a full line of micromanipula- tors: coarse manual, Huxley style, hydraulic and motorized.
Watch cells and viruses come to life in the 3-D portable Biomolecular Discovery Dome! Located in the Exhibit Hall.
Biophysical Society 59 th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
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