Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting Program Guide
Author Disclosures
Authors of submitted abstracts completed a disclosure statement. Disclosures included any relationships that may bias one’s presentation or which, if known, could give the perception of bias. These situations include but are not limited to: 1. Stock options or bond holdings in a for-profit corporation or self-directed pension plan 2. Research funded by industry grant 3. Employment (full- or part-time) in funding company 4. Ownership or Partnership in funding organization 5. Consulting fees or other remuneration from industry 6. Non-remunerative positions of influence such as officer, board member, trustee, or public spokesperson in company 7. Receipt of royalties from referenced company products 8. Speaker’s bureau 9. Other Below is the list of authors and disclosures for programmed abstracts.
Disclosure Entity
Disclosure Type
Presentation Number
Aldeghi, Matteo Alvaro, Giuseppe Amuzescu, Bogdan
Evotec (U.K.) Ltd.
Research funded by industry grant
Autifony Therapeutics Limited Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 635-Pos Cytocentrics Bioscience GmbH Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 2954-Pos
Anantharaman, Thomas Andrzejewska, Weronika
BioNano Genomics
Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 742-Pos
grant (UMO-2011/01/B/ ST5/00846) fromNational Science Centre
Anson, Blake
Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 3014-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 3014-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 2955-Pos
Aoyama, Natsuyo Armstrong, Luke Baddeley, David
Receipt of royalties from referenced company products
Barker, John Bayley, Hagan
Evotec (U.K.) Ltd.
Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1791-Plat
Oxford Nanopore Technologies Non-remunerative positions of influence such as officer, board member, trustee, or public spokesper- son in company
Beattie, Kylie
GlaxoSmithKline Gilead Sciences
Research funded by industry grant
Belardinelli, Luiz
Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1395-Pos
Benjamin, Christopher
Pandion Laboratories LLC Research funded by industry grant
3115-Pos 1985-Pos
Benner, Steven
Firebird Molecular Sciences
Receipt of royalties from referenced company products
Berne, Bruce Bers, Donald Bett, Glenna Bett, Glenna Bett, Glenna
Schrodinger Inc Gilead Sciences Cytocybernetics Cytocybernetics Cytocybernetics
Consulting fees or other remuneration from industry 60-Plat
Research funded by industry grant
Ownership or Partnership in funding organization 560-Pos Ownership or Partnership in funding organization 561-Pos Ownership or Partnership in funding organization 1366-Pos Consulting fees or other remuneration from industry 2398-Pos
Bewersdorf, Joerg
Bruker Corporation
Biophysical Society 59 th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
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