Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting
Exhibitor List
Company Name Booth Number
Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number
89 North
Agilent Technologies 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd Chandler, CA 95051
1 Mill Street, Unit 285 Burlington, VT 05401
68, boulvevard de Port-Royal Paris 75005 France
NEW 2016
89 North provides innovative solutions to fluorescence imaging market, including the PhotoFluor LM-75, a direct-mount metal- halide illuminator and the LDI, a state-of-the- art 7-line laser system with up to 1 watt of power per channel. 89 North also sells emis- sion splitting systems, optogenetics solutions, high speed filter wheels and laser combin- ers from Cairn Research and confocal/super resolution imaging systems from CrestOptics. We also offer engineering and manufacturing expertise to customize existing products or to create new solutions for systems integration.
Agilent Technologies is a leading provider of sample preparation, chromatography, mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, molecular spectroscopy, and laboratory information sys- tems as well as support services, columns and consumables that enable you to analyze, con- firm and quantify substances of interest with confidence from sample preparation to final report. Learn more
ALVEOLE offers advanced solutions that com- bine the latest innovations in cell imaging and microfluidics for controlling various param- eters of living cell microenvironnement. We will present our PRIMO, the first multi-protein printing platform. Versatile and easy-to-use it allows you to create, on your own, the pat- terns of proteins of your choice, on any kind of cell culture surfaces.
AIP Publishing LLC
Anasys Instruments 121 Gray Avenue, Suite 100 Santa Barbara, CA 93101
1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 300 Melville, NY 11747
AAT Bioquest Inc 923 Thompson Place Sunnyvale, CA 94085
AIP Publishing’s portfolio has 19 highly regard- ed, peer-reviewed journals, including Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, and The Journal of Chemical Physics. ALA Scientific Instruments 324 60 Marine St. Farmingdale, NY 11735 As manufacturers (fluidics, chambers, etc) and distributors (MultiChannel, npi, HEKA, Sutter, Narishige, TMC) of instruments for patch/ cellular and multielectrode electrophysiol- ogy, our scientists/engineers have decades of experience assembling systems and building custom setups. We focus on your equipment needs so you can focus on your research
Anasys Instruments and our scientific collabo- rators pioneered the field of nanoscale infra- red absorption spectroscopy and imaging. Our team is focused on providing robust chemical analysis with nanometer scale spatial resolu- tion. With a researcher’s productivity always in mind, we deliver integrated hardware and software solutions that clear the path to your next discovery. Nanoscale IR spectroscopy complemented with thermal and mechani- cal analysis add a special dimension to AFM imaging.
AAT Bioquest develops, manufactures and markets bioanalytical reagents and assay kits for life science research and drug discovery. We specialize in absorption, fluorescence and luminescence-based biological detection tech- nologies. Our products include the outstand- ing Fluo-8®, Cal-520™, Cal-590™, Cal-630™ and FLIPR calcium assay kits, fluorescent ion indicators, fluorescent labeling reagents, cell and in vivo imaging probes. AAT Bioquest also offer a full spectrum of apoptosis and fluores- cence imaging probes and assay kits.
434 West Dussel Drive Maumee, OH 43537
Alembic Instruments Inc 3285 Cavendish Blvd., Suite 570 Montreal, QC H4B 2L9 Canada
Detergents, Lipids, Protein Purification and Crystallization… For 30+ years, Anatrace has worked with the membrane protein struc- tural biology community to become the leader in high-purity detergents. With the highest batch-to-batch consistency, we are the most trusted detergent source for extracting, solu- bilizing, stabilizing, and/or crystallizing macro- molecules. Additionally, we also sell purifica- tion (FPLC prepacked columns and protein concentrators) and crystallization products (MCSG Suite). We demand high standards so you can too!
Alembic Instruments makes patch clamps amplifiers with 100% Rs Compensation! Our patented Rs CompensatorTM completely eliminates series resistance errors rapid- ly, easily, and with full stability. Only the Rs CompensatorTM can voltage clamp the larg- est, fastest ionic currents, under physiologic conditions - currents that are simply out of reach without it.
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