Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Autosampler are powerful tools for measur- ing small-molecule–protein interactions, pro- tein-protein interactions, drug-target binding, and biomolecular structure and stability. The TAM IV isothermal calorimeter is the ultimate platform for isothermal measurements of stability, compatibility, polymorphism, amor- phicity and crystallinity, microbial activity, and more. Visit us to learn about the very latest ITC technology, including advanced automa- tion.



Warner Instruments 1125 Dixwell Ave Hamden, CT   06514


15 Centennial Drive Peabody, MA  01960

TMC manufactures a complete line of Optical Tops and PrecisionVibration Isolation Systems. New products include the patented Everstill™ Bench-top Active Vibration Cancellation Platform and CleanBench™ Vibration Isolation Tables with Gimbal Piston™ Isolators. Other products include CleanTop® II Spill-proof Optical Tops, Non-Magnetic Tops, Vacuum compatible Tops, Lightweight Breadboards, and STACIS® III piezoelectric active vibration cancellation systems.

Warner Instruments supplies a large selec- tion of products ideal for biophysics, cell biol- ogy, physiology, and neurosciences. Imaging/ recording chambers, perfusion and tempera- ture control systems, electronic instrumenta- tion, and Planar Lipid Bilayer technology are our specialties. At our booth we present a new 4 channel differential amplifier.

TgK Scientific Ltd 7 Long's Yard  St. Margaret's Street Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire United Kingdom


WITec Instruments 130G Market Place Blvd Knoxville, TN   37922


We are delighted to be presenting the ever popular and performance defining Hi-Tech Scientific instruments for transient kinetics. New and existing customers should stop by to catch up on the latest in stopped-flow spec- trometers, quench-flow and related The Physiological Society 314 Hodgkin Huxley House

Tokai Hit Co Ltd 306-1 Gandoji-cho  Fujinomiya-shi  SHIZUOKA


WITec is the leading manufacturer of confocal and scanning-probe microscopes for vital and diverse applications in 3D-Raman Imaging, Atomic Force (AFM), and Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM). From the compa- ny’s founding in 1997, WITec has been distin- guished by its innovative product portfolio and a microscope design that enables combina- tions of the various imaging techniques within one system. An exemplar of the company’s breakthrough development is the world’s first integrated Raman-AFM microscope. Raman microscopy is a powerful technique for label- free chemical imaging. Wyatt Technology 601 Corporation                  6300 Hollister Ave Santa Barbara, CA  93117 Wyatt Technology is the recognized leader in instrumentation for determining the absolute molar mass, size, charge and interactions of macromolecules and nanoparticles in solution.

Tokai Hit provides small Incubators enable time lapse imaging (confocal, fluorescence, SIM and TIRF) on microscopes for -Wide tem- perature range Heating/Cooling. -Perfusion and Drug Administration.

30 Farringdon Lane London  EC1R 3AW United Kingdom

TOPTICA Photonics Inc


1286 Blossom Drive Victor, NY  14564

The Journal of Physiology publishes ground- breaking original research that elucidates new physiological principles or mechanisms. There are no pages charges. The current Impact Factor is 5.037.

NEW 2016

TOPTICA is the world leader in diode laser and ultrafast technology for industrial and scientif- ic markets. We offer the widest range of single mode tunable light in the 190 to 2900nm and 0.1-2.7THz spectral region with various acces- sories to measure, characterize, stabilize and analyze light. With our Passion for Precision, TOPTICA delivers!



108 Powers Court Sterling, VA   20166

Although Thorlabs’ roots are in the photon- ics industry, in recent years the company has grown from the laser and electro-optics mar- kets to serve the life sciences and bio-medical segments. As a testament to its growth and dedication to these R&D and research com- munities, Thorlabs has expanded its portfolio to include a variety of scientific cameras, microscopes, microscopy accessories, fem- tosecond lasers, OCT systems, and vibration isolation systems. Thorlabs utilizes a vertically- integrated manufacturing design to design and produce custom solutions that fit specific needs in these areas.



2066 West 11th St  Upland, CA  91786

UVP LLC, offers Western blot/gel documen- tation image capture analysis systems. UV products. Real time qPCR thermal cyclers, homogenizer, DNA/RNA isolation kits.


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