Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting

Asylum Research

There’s No Other AFM Like an Asylum

Advancing biomolecular, nanoassemblies and cell biology research Visit Booth 609 to learn more

DNA double helix

Cypher ™ AFMs l Highest resolution and fast scanning

l Simple environmental control

l Ideal for biomolecules, lipids, DNA origami and dynamic imaging

MFP-3D-BIO ™ AFM l Uncompromised AFM

DOPS-supported-lipid bilayer, courtesy of T. Bozó, Semmelweis University

performance on an optical microscope

l Widest range of accessories

l Ideal for biomechanics and cell imaging

Join our Lunch and Learn Room 505, Monday, 11:30-1:00 “Soft, Sticky, and Viscous: Practical Considerations for Measuring Cell Mechanics with AFM”

AFM deflection data overlaid onto merged fluorescence optical image

Modulus map of a fibroblast cell

+1 (805) 696-6466 •

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