Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting
Opening Mixer 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Concourse Foyer All registered attendees are welcome to attend this cash bar and light refreshments reception.
55-Subg 2:00 pm THE MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF ION CHANNEL PERMEATION, SELEC- TIVITY AND GATING. Bert L. de Groot. , David Koepfer, Chen Song, Tim Gruene, George M. Sheldrick, Ulrich Zachariae 56-Subg 2:30 pm STRUCTURAL INTERPRETATION OF THE ALTERNATING ACCESS MECHA- NISM OF GLUCOSE TRANSPORTERS GLUTS. Nieng Yan 3:00 pm break 57-Subg 3:15 pm SMOLUCHOWSKI EQUATION APPROACH IN CHANNEL-FACILITATED TRANSPORT PROBLEMS: COUNTER-INTUITIVE ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND SUPPORTING EXPERIMENTS. Sergey M. Bezrukov 58-Subg 3:45 pm NANOPHARMACOLOGICAL FORCE SENSING REVEALS TWO LIGAND BINDING SITES IN MONOAMINE TRANSPORTERS. Rong Zhu, Alexander Heilinger, Amy H. Newman, Michael Freissmuth, Harald H. Sitte, Peter Hinterdorfer 4:15 pm business meeting Career Center Workshop Networking: Optimizing Your Time at BPS 2016 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Room 518 You surely have heard that networking is a key component of the suc- cessful job search. The term itself often conjures up negative thoughts and reactions to the uninitiated, sometimes to the point of paralysis. Professional conferences (such as BPS 2016) provide endless networking opportunities. If, however, your perception of networking means tackling someone at the coffee station while thrusting your CV in his/her hands, you may want to stop in on this session. The practice of networking has become so much easier with the advent of the internet. We will discuss what you hope to get out of your presence at the meeting, how to set objectives beforehand, and how to meet those objective once you arrive (while minimizing anxiety). Program Chairs Jonathan Rocheleau, University of Toronto Chris Yip, University of Toronto No Abstract 3:00 pm THE STATE OF BIOENGINEERING RESEARCH AND LINKAGES WITH BIOPHYSICS. Christopher M. Yip 3:30 pm statesmen talk 4:00 pm break 4:15 pm trainee talk 4:30 pm trainee talk 4:45 pm business meeting Undergraduate Mixer and Poster Fest 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, West Lobby Entrance A social and scientific mixer for all undergraduate students attending the meeting. Meet other undergraduates and learn about their research projects. Pre-registered undergraduates listed as coauthors on posters are welcome to practice their poster presentation in a less formal set- ting, even if they are not listed as the presenting author. For undergrads who will be presenting during the standard scientific sessions, this mixer provides an additional opportunity to hone presentation skills. Organized by the Education Committee. Bioengineering Subgroup 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Room 409AB
First-Time Attendee Drop By 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, West Lobby Entrance
Is this your first time attending a Biophysical Society Annual Meeting? Wondering what to do first? Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering how to get the most out of your time? Drop by the First-Time Attendee event on Saturday evening during the Opening Mixer to learn how to navigate the meeting. Society staff and Committee Members will be on hand to answer your questions about the meeting and help you gain the most from your time. Poster Viewing 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm, West Hall CID/CPOW/Education Travel Awardee Reception 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Room 404AB During this reception, students, postdocs, and early and mid-career scien- tists will be honored and presented with their travel awards by the chairs of the Education, Inclusion and Diversity, and Professional Opportunities for Women Committees. Cryo-EM Subgroup 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Room 411 Program Chairs Bridget Carragher, New York Structural Biology Center Yifan Cheng, University of California, San Francisco Irina Serysheva, University of Texas Medical School David Stokes, New York University 59-Subg 7:00 pm MICROED: THREE DIMENSIONAL ELECTRON DIFFRACTION OF MICROSCOPIC CRYSTALS. Tamir Gonen 60-Subg 7:20 pm 1D SELF-ASSEMBLY OF PEPTIDES AND LIPIDS INTO RIBBONS AND NANOTUBES. Dganit Danino , Luba Kolik 61-Subg 7:40 pm STRUCTURE OF THE ACRABZ-TOLC MULTIDRUG EFFLUX PUMP IN A DRUG-BOUND STATE. Zhao Wang , Dijun Du, Guizhen Fan, Irina I. Serysheva, Ben F. Luisi, Wah Chiu 62-Subg 8:00 pm SINGLE-PARTICLE CRYO-EM STUDIES OF A 200-KDA MAGNESIUM ION CHANNEL REVEAL LARGE STRUCTURAL CHANGES UPON GATING. Doreen Matthies , Olivier Dalmas, Mario J. Borgnia, Pawel K. Dominik, Alan Merk, Prashant Rao, Bharat G. Reddy, Shahidul Islam, Alberto Bartesaghi, Eduardo Perozo, Sriram Subramaniam 63-Subg 8:20 pm IF GEL AND MASS SPEC DON’T HELP, USE CRYO-EM TO CHARACTERISE YOUR SPECIMEN. Alexey Amunts 64-Subg 8:40 pm HIGH-RESOLUTION CRYO-EM STRUCTURES OF TRPV1 REVEAL STRUCTURAL BASIS OF LIGAND BINDING AND CHANNEL GATING. Yuan Gao , Erhu Cao, David Julius, Yifan Cheng 9:00 pm business meeting Edward Egelman, University of Virginia Da-Neng Wang, New York University
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