Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting | Program Guide
1:30 pm–3:00 pm Semrock Inc Maximizing the Performance of Fluorescence Microscopes by Optical Filters TIRF, Super-resolution & Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy tech- niques continue to gain in popularity. This tutorial will discuss ways of maximizing the performance of such imaging systems by utilizing applica- tions specific optical filters. SearchLight ( is a free, online spectral plotting and analysis tool that allows for evaluation and optimization of microscopy systems. Latest developments with this premium modeling resource will be discussed. Speaker 10:30 am–12:00 noon Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC ZEISS Live Cell Imaging Tools Allow New Levels of Through- put and Image Quality Imaging live cell samples offers unique insights into cellular function and gives the freedom to explore dynamic changes in cell behavior. Successful live cell imaging relies on maintenance of an appropriate cellular environ- ment and an effort to minimize cellular damage. Keeping up with dynam- ic events inside a cell requires an optical design that produces gentle high signal to noise images. The optical design and configuration of the imag- ing platform plays a crucial role in the success of an imaging experiment. ZEISS has introduced a completely automated inverted platform, the Celldiscoverer 7, which simplifies every aspect of experimental setup and gives every live cell experiment the best chance for success. At the heart of the Celldiscoverer 7 is a completely unique optical concept with record setting optical resolution and light throughput. Paired with gentle LED illumination and image detectors designed for low magnification the Celldiscoverer 7 achieves new levels of imaging throughput. Complicated tasks of microscope configuration and optimization are completely auto- mated and designed to make the most of any sample type. Automated control of cellular environment allows imaging stability to be maintained over long time course experiments. The system can be expanded with a robotic plate loading system to allow high throughput imaging from plate and slide based samples. The ZEISS LSM 880 confocal with Airyscan and FAST technology offers a unique optical design that counters the typical loss of sample light experienced when using a confocal pinhole. The Airyscan detector allows higher resolution and lower laser illumination while acquiring with higher SNR than typically possible. The result is superresolution imaging and the needed speed to follow live cells and record fast live cell events. Join this workshop and learn how the ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 and the LSM 880 confocal with Airyscan FAST can help your imaging experiments in completely new ways. Speaker Scott Olenych, Academia Business Development Manager, Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC Prashant Prabhat, Business Line Leader, Semrock Inc Room 221: Sunday, February 12
12:30 pm–2:00 pm Bruker Corporation Super-Resolution Microscopy: Performing Quantitative Analysis at the Molecular Level Super-resolution (SML) microscopy optically resolves spatial features within the cellular environment an order of magnitude below the clas- sical diffraction limit. Using the quantitative analysis functions on the Vutara 352 system questions can be answered in a data driven fashion. Its software offers numerous statistical analysis features to quantify the localization data into meaningful biological interpretations. These statisti- cal features include spatial distribution tools, such as Ripley’s K and pair correlation calculations, cluster, co-localization and resolution analysis, as well as live-cell tools, such as mean-squared displacement calculations and particle tracking. In our exhibitor presentation, we will discuss SML super resolution, its combination with quantitative analysis, and how it offers new questions and analytics at the molecular level. Furthermore, due to the nature of the method, localization microscopy is often lacking in the contextual information of the overall cellular envi- ronment. Utilizing optical correlation microscopy of the Vutara 352, it is possible to relate the large-scale cellular environment, obtained via swept-field confocal imaging, with more refined super-resolution localiza- tion data. Speakers Carl G. Ebeling, Worldwide Applications Scientist, Fluorescence Microscopy Unit, Bruker Corporation Manasa V. Gudheti, Sales Applications Scientist, Fluorescence Microscopy Unit, Bruker Corporation Oxford Nanoimaging (ONI) have reinvented the single-molecule micro- scope to meet the needs of cutting edge research in the 21st century. The Nanoimager is a high-throughput, robust, single-molecule localisation based microscope that does not go out of alignment. A compact dSTORM, PALM and single-molecule FRET solution with a footprint smaller than an A4 piece of paper, the system offers the most stable platform on the market and can be run from a standard laboratory bench. High power 1W lasers and the most efficient light path of any commercial solution gives the Nanoimager excellent performance and sets a new standard in super- resolution imaging. The Nanoimager is a small microscope with a big personality: expert capabilities and top performance for both novice and experienced users. ONI have made single-molecule experiments easier, and have made instrument costs accessible to the majority. Come and learn more about the next generation of super-resolution microscopes: this presentation will not only introduce the newly released Nanoimager but will show the latest achievable data and the technical ability of this ground-breaking instrument. The Nanoimager needs to be seen to be believed. No alignment. No optical table. No compromise. Speaker Raphael Jorand, Applications Specialist, Oxford Nanoimaging Ltd 4:30 pm–6:00 pm Oxford Nanoimaging Ltd Meet the Nanoimager: The Next Generation of Super-Resolution Microscope
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