Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting | Program Guide

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

The Journal of Physiology 218 Hodgkin Huxley House, 30 Farringdon Lane London, EC1R 3AW

United Kingdom

The Journal of Physiology publishes ground- breaking original research that elucidates new physiological principles or mechanisms. It pub- lishes papers in all areas of physiology, such as human and mammalian physiology, including work at the molecular level, the level of the cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs and systems physiology. The Journal was established in 1878 and is published in print and online every two weeks. The Journal IS FREE to publish in for all authors, has no page or figure limits, and is compliant with public access funder mandates. The 2014 Impact Factor is 5.037.

Sutter Instrument


TA Instruments 159 Lukens Drive New Castle, DE 19720


One Digital Drive Novato, CA 94949

For more than 40 years Sutter Instrument has set the highest standards for performance and innovation. We are experts in microma- nipulation, micropipette fabrication, micros- copy, optical imaging, amplifiers and microin- jection. This year we will be showcasing sev- eral exciting new products. The Double IPA® is a dual headstage integrated patch clamp amplifier with built-in digitizer and compre- hensive SutterPatch software that enables the experimenter to quickly set up and perform routine tasks, yet remains highly configurable to meet the demands of the experienced electrophysiologist. The Lambda 421 Optical Beam Combiner is a newly patented concept for combining separate light sources with different spectra into a single output beam. Our engineering team’s extensive expertise in optical system design and motor control as well as a seasoned understanding of cus- tomer applications has allowed us to design and build BOB, a flexible open architecture upright microscope for slice electrophysiol- ogy. Continuing to build on our extensive expertise in stepper motor control, we intro- duce the TRIO, a highly-stable 3-axis manipu- lator system with synthetic 4th axis that can be set in software as any angle between 0 and 90 degrees for diagonal movement. The com- pact design of the integrated Rotary Optical Encoder (ROE) controller requires minimal bench space. Quality. Precision. Reliability.

With advanced technology, and unparalleled customer support, TA Instruments is the world leader in microcalorimetry, thermal analysis, and rheology. We offer ultrasensitive, high precision calorimeters for label-free measure- ments of protein binding and structure. Our new Affinity ITC, the Nano ITC (available in two cell volumes) and our Nano DSC with Autosampler are powerful tools for measuring small-molecule-protein interactions, protein- protein interactions, drug-target binding, and biomolecular structure and stability. The TAM IV isothermal calorimeter is the ultimate plat- form for isothermal measurements of stabil- ity, compatibility, polymorphism, amorphicity and crystallinity, microbial activity, and more. Visit us to learn about the very latest ITC tech- nology, including advanced automation. Technical Manufacturing 530 Corporation TMC manufactures a complete line of Optical Tops and PrecisionVibration Isolation Systems. New products include the patented Everstill™ Bench-top Active Vibration Cancellation Platform and CleanBench™ Vibration Isolation Tables with Gimbal Piston™ Isolators. Other products include CleanTop® II Spill-proof Optical Tops, Non-Magnetic Tops, Vacuum compatible Tops, Lightweight Breadboards, and STACIS ® III piezoelectric active vibration cancellation systems. 15 Centennial Drive Peabody, MA 01960



108 Powers Court Sterling, VA 20166

For over 25 years, Thorlabs’ growing catalog of over 20,000 products has been a valuable resource for the Photonics community. Their vast contributions to the life sciences range from their quickly expanding line of optoge- netics components to their fully customiz- able imaging systems. From multiphoton to modular systems, leveraging their extensive in-house design and fabrication capabilities allows them to minimize design trade-offs and customize each individual system to their customers' specifications.

Tokai Hit Co Ltd 306-1 Gandoji-cho Fujinomiya-shi, SHIZUOKA Japan


Next-generation Stage Top Incubator will be introduced at BPS2017. Our system maintains optimal cell-culture environment for Live-Cell- Imaging on microscope stage. It has high flex- ibility and performance to keep cells happy on the stage from hours to days. It is widely used under Cooling/Heating, confocal, fluores- cence, SIM and TIRF microscopy.


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