Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting | Program Guide
Platform Membrane Protein Dynamics 10:45 am - 12:45 pm, Room 208/209
Exhibitor Presentation Bruker Corporation 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Room 218
Co-Chairs Christopher M. Yip, University of Toronto, Canada Emmanuel Margeat, Centre de Biochimie Structurale, CNRS, France 1605-Plat 10:45 am MODULATED DYNAMICS OF PAM-Α7 NACHR FROM X-RAY SINGLE MOLECULAR OBSERVATIONS. Tomoyuki Baba , Tai Kubo, Sumiko Ohashi, Keigo Ikezaki, Kazuhiro Mio, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Yuji C. Sasaki 1606-Plat 11:00 am THE ROLE OF G-PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTOR ACTIVATION BY CON- FORMATIONAL SELECTION AS REVEALED BY SINGLE-MOLECULE FLUO- RESCENCE. Dennis D. Fernandes , Libin Ye, Yuchong Li, Zhenfu Zhang, Gregory-Neal Gomes, R. Scott Prosser, Claudiu C. Gradinaru 1607-Plat 11:15 am MINDE MEMBRANE PATCH OSCILLATIONS OBSERVED BY HIGH-SPEED AFM. Atsushi Miyagi , Simon Scheuring, Beatrice Ramm, Petra Schwille 1608-Plat 11:30 am STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS OF SINGLE METABOTROPIC GLUTAMATE RECEPTORS IN SOLUTION. Anne-Marinette Cao, Fataneh Fatemi, Linnea Oloffson, Suren Felekyan, Claus Seidel, Philippe Rondard, Jean-Philippe Pin, Emmanuel Margeat 1609-Plat 11:45 am OPTIMAL PROBES: AN EFFICIENT METHOD TO SELECT DEER DISTANCE RESTRAINTS USING MACHINE LEARNING. Shriyaa Mittal , Diwakar Shukla 1610-Plat 12:00 pm MULTISCALE DYNAMICS OF FLAVIVIRUS FUSION PEPTIDES - MEMBRANE INTERACTIONS VIA SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTS. Jan K. Marzinek , Nirmalya Bag, Roland G. Huber, Daniel A. Holdbrook, Thorsten Wohland, Chandra Verma, Peter J. Bond 1611-Plat 12:15 pm ENHANCED SIMULATIONS AND DRUG DISCOVERY OF A MUSCARINIC G- PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTOR. Yinglong Miao , J. AndrewMcCammon 1612-Plat 12:30 pm MULTISCALE GPCR ACTIVATION IN LIPID MEMBRANES PROBED BY SOLID-STATE NMR AND SCATTERING METHODS. Xiaolin Xu , Andrey V. Struts, Trivikram R. Molugu, Suchithranga M.D.C. Perera, Udeep Chawla, Soohyun K. Lee, Rami Musharrafieh, Amanda M. Johnson, Annie Huang, Thomas A. Knowles, Michael F. Brown Career Center Workshop Selling Yourself to the Life Sciences Industry 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Room 212/213 The industrial employer is looking for a different set of skills and attitudes than either the academic or government employer. Learn what the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industries want to hear from potential employees and why. Learn how to develop and best position your mar- keting message in order to improve the chances of a successful industrial job search.
BioScope Resolve - The Highest Resolution Imaging of Any BioAFM The BioScope Resolve™ BioAFM provides the highest resolution imaging, most complete biomechanics capabilities, and fastest scanning of any bioAFM available. Specifically designed for integration onto inverted optical light and confocal microscopes, it enables investigation of a wide range of biological samples, from cells and tissues to molecular and pro- tein structures. Our exhibitor presentation will talk about three aspects of the Bioscope Resolve BioAFM system that are advancing biological research around the world. 1. High Resolution Imaging - The unique mechanical stability and performance of the BioScope Resolve AFM on an optical micro- scope enables researchers to routinely resolve the major and minor grooves along the backbone of an individual DNA strand. With ScanAsyst®, high-resolution cell imaging has never been easier. This game-changing capability has allowed soft, flexible cell surface struc- tures, such as microvilli, to be resolved for the first time on living cells by AFM. 2. Complete Cell Mechanics Data – Accurate, Repeatable. PeakForce QNM®, has become the preferred mode for nanomechanical map- ping. With new algorithms, it delivers highest resolution property maps at pN forces on live cells. Together with “No Touch” tip calibra- tion, PeakForce QNM delivers the fastest quantitative mechanical characterization of live cells, providing a complete force curve for every pixel at actuation rates from 125 Hz to 2 kHz. With our new FASTForce Volume covering rates from sub-Hz to 300 Hz, and Peak- Force Tapping extending to 2 kHz, we provide the widest range of ramp rates for single points and imaging while maintaining pN force control. Our new RampScript™ allows the user to build, control and record complex nanomechanical measurements for use in protein pulling, ligand-receptor interaction, cell relaxation and viscoelastic probing. 3. Investigating Cell Dynamics – Without Compromise. Fast Tapping on living cells - Bioscope Resolve is the only BioAFM that enables fast scanning while simultaneously providing the large piezo scanner range necessary for capturing the dynamic behavior of living cells in real time (XYZ = 100µm x 100µm x 15µm). The Fast Tapping capabili- ties of Resolve are truly a step forward in conducting high-resolution AFM studies at timescales relevant to cellular processes. Together with the integration of advanced optical microscopy and environ- mental control, live cell studies have never been easier. BioScope Resolve was designed by biologists who needed a flexible Bio- AFM system that could meet a wide range of biological application needs. From its Advanced Perfusing Incubator for long-term live-cell studies to its full sample-carrier support system, every feature of the BioScope Resolve is designed for maximum experiment flexibility. Speaker Ian Armstrong, Applications Scientist, ARM Unit, Bruker Corporation
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