Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting | Program Guide
Career Development Center Information Room 212/213
Andrew Green earned his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, and has over 17 years of experience working with graduate students, PhDs, and postdocs as a career advisor. Before returning to Berkeley ,where he serves as Associate Director of the Career Center, he spent six years on the faculty of Connecticut College. His specialty is working with PhDs and postdocs in the sciences and engineering pursuing profes- sional opportunities in the business, government, and nonprofit sectors as well as those seeking faculty jobs. He has given invited presentations at major scientific meetings and research universities across the country; and appeared in the Chronicle of Higher Education , NatureJobs , and The Atlantic Online .
Joe Tringali is a seasoned contract recruiter who has developed overall recruitment strategies for his clients and subsequently worked with internal hiring organizations to meet their staffing requirements for more than two decades. He has provided onsite service to numerous biotech- nology clients, including Biogen Idec, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Creative Biomolecules/Stryker, TKY/Shire and Genetics Institute/Wyeth/Pfizer. He also operates a successful contingency recruit- ing firm that serves the Boston biotechnology community. He works with several clients to help them fill difficult staffing needs in the areas of Research/Development, Clinical Development, and Regulatory Affairs. In addition, Tringali is an invited speaker at several annual scientific confer- ences and research institutes where he conducts career workshops.
Job Postings Employers Stop by the Career Center to post your job opening today! All attendees will have access to your job posting while at the meeting and your job will be posted on our online Job Board as well. Search resumes for a perfect fit and schedule an interview while you’re onsite at the meeting. Job Applicants Looking for a job in biophysics? Stop by the Career Development Center and upload your resume for employers to view on the Job Board both onsite and online. You may also apply for posted jobs.
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