Biophysical Society 62nd Annual Meeting | Program Guide
57-Subg 1:35 pm STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE EPITHELIAL CALCIUM CHANNEL TRPV6. Alexander Sobolevsky 58-Subg 2:05 pm RESOLUTION OF HETEROGENEITY IN NICOTINIC RECEPTOR ASSEMBLY BY CRYO-EM . Richard M. Walsh Jr., Soung-Hun Roh, Ryan E. Hibbs 2:35 pm student talk No Abstract 2:55 pm INTERPRETATION OF SPECTROSCOPIC DATA FOR MEMBRANE TRANSPORT- ERS USING SIMULATED CONFORMATIONAL ENSEMBLES. Lucy R. Forrest 3:25 pm break 59-Subg 3:35 pm ALLOSTERIC CONTROL OF THE K + UPTAKE SYSTEM KTRAB. Marina Diskowski, Vedrana Mikusevic, Dorith Wunnicke, Ahmed R. Mehdipour, Deryck J. Mills, Gerhard Hummer, Klaus Fendler, Janet Vonck, Inga Haenelt 4:05 pm student talk 60-Subg 4:25 pm HOW LIPIDS MODULATE TRANSPORTER AND CHANNEL FUNCTION. Christine Ziegler , Matthias Gregor Madej, Arun Chandramohan, Ganesh Srinivasan Anand, Thorben Cordes, Atieh aminian, Reinhard Krämer 4:55 pm business meeting 6:00 pm subgroup dinner Scientific Story Telling What’s Your Story? 2:00 pm–4:00 pm, North, Lower Lobby, Room 20/21 Journal manuscript—check. Abstract writing—check. But can you explain your work to your grandmother? Being able to talk about your research to someone who is not a scientist is an important skill usually not included in formal scientific training. Come to this session to learn the art of telling your scientific story. Bring either your own abstract, or an abstract from your field, paper, and pencil to use during this hands-on workshop. Please plan to stay for the full two hours. Panelists Lesley Earl, NCI, NIH Joe Palca, NPR Madeline K. Sofia, NPR
51-Subg 3:40 pm MECHANISMS OF REGULATING CYTOPLASMIC DYNEIN. Samara Reck-Peterson , Andres Leschziner, Morgan DeSantis, Michael Cian- frocco, ZawMin Htet, Phuoc Tien Tran 52-Subg 4:05 pm CYTOSKELETAL CONTROL OF CELL POLARITY IN THE DROSOPHILA OOCYTE. Margot E. Quinlan 4:30 pm business meeting No Abstract 5:00 pm FLAGELLAR LENGTH CONTROL SYSTEM: A PARADIGM FOR ORGANELLE SIZE REGULATION. Wallace Marshall 6:00 pm closing remarks Exocytosis and Endocytosis Subgroup 1:00 pm–7:00 pm, Esplanade, Room 151 Subgroup Chair Dixon Woodbury, Brigham Young University 1:00 pm opening remarks 1:05 pm student talk 1:20 pm student talk No Abstract 1:35 pm CELLULAR DYNAMICS VISUALIZED FROMMOLECULES TO ORGANISMS AT INCREASED SPATIO-TEMPORAL RESOLUTION. Tomas Kirchhausen 53-Subg 2:05 pm QUANTITATIVE MICROSCOPY OF SNARE COMPLEXES IN LIVE CELLS. Geert van den Bogaart , Danielle R. Verboogen, Martin ter Beest 2:35 pm break 54-Subg 2:45 pm TYPE-2 DIABETES–A FUSION PORE DISEASE? Patrik Rorsman , Stephan C. Collins, Benoit Hastoy 55-Subg 3:15 pm MEMBRANE TRAFFICKING AT KV2.1 INDUCED ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM/ PLASMA MEMBRANE CONTACT SITES. Michael M. Tamkun , Yaping Moshier, Laura Solé 56-Subg 3:45 pm VESICLE HETEROGENEITY AND DIFFERENT MODES OF SYNAPTIC TRANSMIS- SION. Simon Chamberland, Katalin Toth 4:15 pm business meeting No Abstract 4:40 pm THE MYSTERY OF THE FUSION PORE. Manfred Lindau 5:50 pm adjournment 7:00 pm subgroup dinner Permeation and Transport Subgroup 1:30 pm–6:00 pm, Esplanade, Room 155 Subgroup Chair Olga Boudker, Weill Cornell Medical College 1:30 pm opening remarks
Career Development Center Workshop Going Live: Preparing for Interviews in Industry and Academia 3:00 pm–4:00 pm, South, Lower Level, Room 2
Most grad students and postdocs are used to having their work and ac- complishments “speak” for them, and have never had an interview of any consequence. But to reach that goal of securing your first assistant professor- ship or research job in industry, you need to be prepared to close the deal on your own behalf and articulate why you are a great fit for their department or organization. Get answers to: what are the most common interview ques- tions, how do I build effective answers that are more than empty clichés, what is an effective strategy for interview preparation, and more.
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