Biophysical Society 62nd Annual Meeting | Program Guide

Exhibitor Presentation KinTek Corporation 3:30 pm–5:00 pm, Exhibit Hall, Room 5 Using KinTek Explorer Software to Understand Kinetics and Rigorously Fit Data In this presentation, Dr. Johnson will introduce the theory and operation of KinTek Explorer software to show how easy it is to fit data to any user- defined model without resorting to the use of equations. Examples of ex- periments that can be fit include: transient and single turnover stopped- flow kinetics, steady state kinetics, slow onset inhibition, equilibrium titrations, rapid-quench-flow kinetics, temperature dependence, and voltage-dependent rate constants. In addition time-resolved absorbance or fluorescence and pH-dependent spectra can be analyzed by singular value decomposition to yield spectra and time- or pH-dependence of each species. Fast dynamic simulation using proprietary algorithms for numerical integration allows you to explore parameter space and learn kinetics. By modeling the experiments exactly as performed, all details of the experimental setup are included, eliminating errors in interpreta- tion. Moreover, multiple experiments can be fit simultaneously to a single unifying model. Only KinTek Explorer offers such robust and dynamic data fitting. In addition to describing KinTek Explorer’s basic features, Dr. Johnson will introduce new features and will be available to help you to fit your own data. Learn about what you are missing in your own data fitting. See for more information. Speaker Kenneth Johnson, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin, President, KinTek Corporation Membership Committee Meeting 3:30 pm–5:30 pm, South, Level Three, Room 306 Career Development Center Workshop Careers in Entrepreneurship (Spoiler Alert: There’s more here than launching your own start-up!) 4:00 pm–5:00 pm, South, Lower Level, Room 2 Fancy a career in entrepreneurship? There are many pathways to explore. Yes, you can launch your own start-up or consultancy, but you can also find and create exciting careers that nurture entrepreneurship in areas as diverse as tech transfer, marketing, venture capital, and product develop- ment. In this workshop, we will discuss the multitude of professional av- enues you can pursue if you want to go into entrepreneurship, and how to access, position yourself for success, and advance in these roles and ecosystems. Of course, we will also explore the career path of entrepre- neur as well, and discuss various aspects of being a start-up success. Symposium Energy Transduction 4:00 pm–6:00 pm, North, Lower Lobby, Room 24 Co-Chairs Susan Buchanan, NIH Krysztof Palczewski, Case Western University 1036-Symp 4:00 pm STRUCTURAL INSIGHT INTO THE ROLE OF THE TON COMPLEX IN ENERGY TRANSDUCTION.  Herve Celia, Nicholas Noinaj, Stanislov D. Zakarov, Enrica Bordignon, Istvan Botos, Monica Santamaria, Travis J. Barnard, Wil- liam A. Cramer, Roland Lloubes, Susan K. Buchanan 1037-Symp 4:30 pm DISSOCIATION OF THE HETEROTRIMERIC G PROTEIN COMPLEX BY NANOBODIES: POTENTIAL USES IN THE MODULATION OF DIVERSE GPCR SIGNALING.  Krzysztof Palczewski

Mentors, continued Eda Kocili, University of Central Florida Marie Longo, University of California, Davis Medha Pathak, University of California, Irvine Gail Robertson, University of Wisconsin-Madison Patricia Soto, Creighton University


How to Project Your Best Self Confidence Matters Just as Much as Competence 2:30 pm–4:00 pm, North, Lower Lobby, Room 20/21

Bringing your best self to interviews, conferences, talks – all aspects of your career – means projecting confidence. While competence matters, studies show that representing yourself with confidence has a huge impact on success. Yet women are often less self-assured than men: they underestimate their abilities, they predict that they will do worse on tests than they do, and they are not sure that they are qualified to take that next step. This session will discuss the studies that show this confidence gap, how this gap affects career decisions made by women at multiple stages and will conclude with strategies to overcome this barrier. Under- standing the confidence gap concerns not only women, but also anyone who recruits, trains, mentors or advocates for women. Panelists Exhibitor Presentation Nanion Technologies GmbH 2:30 pm–4:00 pm, Exhibit Hall, Room 6 Part Two: Paving the Way for In Depth Pore-, Ion Channel-, and Electro- genic Transporter Analysis In our second workshop we focus on devices for bilayer recordings, patch clamp, and electrogenic transporter assays including live demonstrations. The SURFE 2 R product family enables label-free real time measurement of electrogenic transporter protein activity. Employing SSM (solid supported membrane)-based electrophysiology, the SURFE 2 R instruments compen- sate for the low turnover rate of these proteins by measurement of up to 109 transporters in parallel. This method has proven its value: High qual- ity data on about 100 SLC- and MFS- transporters as well as ATPases and ligand gated ion channels has been published. The flexible single channel instrument, SURFE 2 R N1 is ideally suited for basic research, whereas the SURFE 2 R 96SE is able to measure 96 sensors in a fully parallel mode enabling larger screening studies on substrates, inhibitors, or modulators. The Port-a-Patch is the world’s smallest patch clamp rig for high qual- ity, giga-ohm seal patch clamp recordings in voltage and current clamp modes. Versatile add-ons, such as internal perfusion, allow unprec- edented experimental freedom, above and beyond the possibilities of conventional patch clamp. The Orbit product family supports parallel lipid bilayer recordings of reconstituted ion channels for four artificial lipid bilayers (Orbit mini) or 16 lipid bilayers (Orbit 16) simultaneously. Using Micro Electrode Cavity Array (MECA, Ionera) recording substrates, the bilayers are automatically formed by remotely actuated painting (Ionera- SPREAD), which will be demonstrated during this session. Speakers Andrea Brüggemann, CSO, Nanion Technologies GmbH Niels Fertig, CEO, Nanion Technologies GmbH Maria Barthmes, Product Manager, SURFE 2 R, Nanion Technologies GmbH Karen Fleming, Johns Hopkins University Linda Columbus, University of Virginia

Gerhard Baaken, CEO, Ionera Technologies GmbH Ekaterina Zaitseva, CSO, Ionera Technologies GmbH


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