Biophysical Society 65th Annual Meeting Program Guide
ISS Inc 1602 Newton Drive Champaign, IL 61822
Journal of Cell Science Bidder Building, Station Road, Histon Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB249LF
LUMICKS 552 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 204 Cambridge, MA 02139 LUMICKS is the leading supplier of Dynamic Single-Molecule instruments for the study of molecular motor activity, protein fold- ing and conformational changes, DNA/ RNA-protein interactions, and the properties of protein droplets. To decipher complex molecular interactions, you need to be able to observe the same biological process from multiple points of view. Our groundbreaking instrument, the C-Trap™ Optical Tweezers – Fluorescence & Label-free Microscopy, enables for the first time the analysis of com- plex dynamic details related to the behavior and interaction of single molecules. We have provided precision instrumenta- tion for biophysicists for 20+ years. We offer Nanopositioning Systems, Micropositioners, Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM), and RM21® Single Molecule Microscopes. Our nanopo- sitioners have sub-nm precision, low noise & high stability performance. They form the basis for our AFM, NSOM, and RM21® micro- scopes. The MicroMirror TIRF is a unique, multi-spectral TIRF microscope with excellent signal-to-noise ratios and efficient data collec- tion. Applications: nanoscopy, smFRET, super resolution microscopy, AFM, optical/magnetic tweezers, and high-resolution imaging. Malvern Panalytical 117 Flanders Road Westborough, MA 01581 Malvern Panalytical is a leader in analytical characterization of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and other biopolymers. We provide expert solutions for the challenges associated with maximizing productivity and reproduc- ible results. We provide superior, customer- focused solutions and services which deliver tangible economic impact through chemical, biophysical and structural analysis. Mad City Labs Inc 2524 Todd Drive Madison, WI 53713
United Kingdom
ISS offers steady-state and time resolved spectrofluorometers, single molecule sensi- tive time resolved laser scanning micro- scopes, FLIM/FCS upgrade kits and NIRS biomedical instrumentation for absolute measurements of oxygen saturation in brain and muscle tissue. A variety of modular components comple- ments the instrumentation: Data acquisition cards (FASTFLIM), laser diodes, LEDs, high pressure cell, scanning mirror module, and fiber optic sensors amongst an extensive line of accessories to upgrade your existing LSM setup. Applications include FRET, FLIM, FCS, FCCS, PCH, STED, NIRS. JASCO will be exhibiting a range of bio- physical characterization tools including Circular Dichroism, Fluorescence and FTIR instrumentation. The JASCO J-1000 Series Spectrophotometers provide an optical bench specifically designed for high sensitivity mea- surements in the far- and near-UV regions. Temperature control systems can be coupled with multi-position cells to run thermal melts. Automated high-throughput CD can obtain measurements on up to 192 samples with- out user intervention, saving both time and money. Microsampling cells provide measure- ments on sample volumes as low as 2 microli- ters.[Text Wrapping Break] JASCO 28600 Marys Court Easton, MD 21601
The Company of Biologists is a not for profit publishing organization dedicated to support- ing and inspiring the biological community. The Company publishes five specialist peer- reviewed journals: Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open. It offers further support to the biologi- cal community by facilitating scientific meet- ings and communities, providing travel grants for researchers and supporting research societies. Journal of General Physiology 950 Third Avenue, Floor 2 New York, NY 10022 Journal of General Physiology (JGP) publishes mechanistic and quantitative cellular and molecular physiology of the highest quality. All decisions on research manuscripts are made through a collaborative consultation between the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors, all of whom are active scientists. JGP was established in 1918. JGP Editor- in-Chief David Eisner is a The British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiac Physiology at Manchester University.
Leica Microsystems Inc 1700 Leider Lane Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Leica Microsystems develops and manufac- tures microscopes and scientific instruments for the analysis of microstructures and nano- structures. The company is one of the market leaders in compound and stereo microscopy, digital microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, electron microscopy sample preparation, optical coherence tomography, and surgical microscopes.
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