Biophysical Society Bulletin | May 2024


Know the Editor Valeria Vásquez

Editor's Pick




Low tension



University of Texas Health Science Center Editor, Channels, Transporters, and Receptors Biophysical Journal 90° 90°


Δ P aspiration

High tension



GPMVs formation

Valeria Vásquez

C '





Biophysical Reports Extracellular domain 2 of TSPAN4 governs its functions Raviv Dharan, Alisa Vaknin, Raya Sorkin “Tetraspanins are widespread in nearly every cell, showcas ing diverse functions linked to crucial cellular and patholog ical processes like cell adhesion, immune signaling, cell-cell fusion, viral infection, and cancer metastasis. This under scores their significance in cellular mechanisms and suggests potential therapeutic applications. Their various cellular roles are closely tied to their ability to form higher-order structures. The assembly of tetraspanins is likely dependent on their membrane concentration, which increases in curved mem branes for some tetraspanins due to their membrane curva ture sensitivity. Elucidating the molecular domains governing their curvature sensitivity and interactions is essential for understanding tetraspanin dynamics in the membrane. Here, the authors demonstrate that the extracellular 2 loop of tet raspanin 4 is crucial for both curvature sensitivity and domain formation, suggesting a way to regulate tetraspanin function.” Version of Record Published March 4, 2024 DOI: https:/ H 0.05 0.10 2 3 4 5 TSPAN4 Sorting Tension (mN/m) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 ∆ EC1 ∆ EC2 Sorting Biophysical Journal Reintroduces Letters Biophysical Journal is once again accepting submissions of Letters! These are short articles (no more than five pages) on diverse areas that report exceptionally important results in an accelerated manner. A Letter should be of interest to a wide variety of readers and should potentially change the way the reader thinks about an important topic or address a critical ques tion; it should tell a complete story without needing extensive data analysis, and it is not meant to serve as a means of publishing preliminary results. The criteria for acceptance of a letter are more stringent than for regular articles, and particular attention will be paid to the significance of the results. To submit a Letter or any other paper for consideration in the Journal, please go to for more information. Tension (mN/m)

What has been your most exciting discovery as a biophysicist? TSPAN4




My most exciting discovery lies in demonstrating that dietary fatty acids, when enriched in the plasma membrane, modu late PIEZO2 function, impacting mechano-activated excitatory currents in sensory neurons. My group has shown its trans lational potential in counteracting mechanical sensitization by elucidating the mechanisms by which margaric acid (a saturated fatty acid) decreases PIEZO2 mechano-currents, even in the presence of pro-algesic inflammatory mediators like bradykinin. Our research highlights the therapeutic po tential of enhancing PIEZO2 function with a diet enriched in linoleic acid (a polyunsaturated fatty acid) in conditions such as Angelman syndrome, in which PIEZO2 dysfunction contributes to symptoms like impaired walking. Furthermore, our findings regarding the effects of linoleic acid-enriched diets on PIEZO2 function provide promising avenues for addressing neuroge netic disorders. Our biophysical work underscores the critical role of dietary fatty acids in modulating PIEZO2 in vivo during inflammatory conditions and neurological disorders, offering potential therapeutic interventions. At a cocktail party of non-scientists, how would you explain what you do? In my lab, we study how our body senses touch, pain, balance, and other sensations. We are particularly interested in special channels in our cells that help us feel these sensations. These channels are like tiny gatekeepers, letting signals in and out of our cells. We are trying to understand how they work and how they are affected by certain natural substances called fatty acids (like fish oil). By understanding these channels better, we hope to learn more about how our body senses and responds to its environment. G 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Sorting 2 3 4 Sorting ∆ EC1 ∆ EC2

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08


Tension (mN/m)


∆ EC1 ∆ EC2

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Tension (mN/m)

May 2024



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