Biophysical Society Bulletin | November 2023

Annual Meeting

Graduate Student Breakfast Monday, February 12, 7:30 am –8:30 am , USA Eastern

Call for New and Notable Symposium Speakers The Biophysical Society is seeking suggestions from Soci ety members for speakers to be featured in the annual New and Notable Symposium in Philadelphia. This symposium is unique in that, through a series of brief talks, attendees hear about late-breaking and exciting science. If you have a colleague who should be considered, visit https:/www. and complete the required information by December 2, 2023. Education and Career Opportunities Fair Sunday, February 11, 1:00 pm –3:00 pm , USA Eastern This fair will provide opportunities for candidates to meet with representatives from educational institutions as well as industry and government agencies. Students and postdoctor al candidates will be able to meet with representatives from colleges and universities with leading programs in biophysics. Attendees can connect with representatives from industry and agencies who will provide information about employment and funding opportunities at their institutions/companies. Stop by the fair to learn about the variety of opportunities available and to talk one-on-one with representatives from participating organizations. Representatives interested in reserving a table at this fair to display information about their institution’s or company’s biophysics-related opportunities must register online no later than January 12, 2024, and submit the registration fee in advance. All those attending the Annual Meeting are encouraged to attend. Please contact with questions.

Looking forward as a Graduate Student is equal parts terrify ing and exhilarating, and sharing the journey with others can be extremely helpful. This breakfast has a panel discussion and Q&A structure, allowing students to receive feedback related to their careers. It also presents an opportunity for graduate student Annual Meeting attendees to meet and discuss the issues they face in their current career stage with their peers. The session is limited to the first 100 attendees. Speed Networking Monday, February 12, 4:30 pm –6:00 pm , USA Eastern Networking is key in science, but there never seems to be enough time! The goal of this event is to allow Student and Early Career Members to network and connect with estab lished biophysicists in a fun, casual way. During this event, each mentor will sit at their own table, while the attendees pick a mentor at random. They will have three to five minutes to connect, exchange information, and ask questions. When time is up, attendees select a new mentor to talk to. By the end of the event, each participant will have had meaningful interactions with more than a half dozen colleagues and the opportunity to meet many more. Registration is required for this event. Sign up at https:/ products/product-details?ProductName=speed-network ing-2024-am. Training Undergraduates in the Research Laboratory Tuesday, February 13, 12:00 pm –1:30 pm , USA Eastern Research laboratory training is a formative experience for undergraduate students. Such experience can be gained at a student’s home institution or as a visiting student. A group of panelists from different types of institutions will share their experiences hosting undergraduates, recommend guidelines for successful experiences, and answer your questions. Careers Beyond the Bench: Moving to a World Outside the Lab Tuesday, February 13, 1:00 pm –2:30 pm , USA Eastern Have you started thinking about the next career step? Are you wondering if you can apply your academic skills in industry? Or what skills outside of academia you may bring to the lab? Join us to explore career options in consulting, industry, and academia. Panelists with science backgrounds, now involved in a wide variety of careers, will share their personal experi ences and answer questions from the audience.

Annual Art of Science Contest Now Open Entries are due December 1, 2023

Do you have an eye-catching image that resulted from your research? Show the artistic side of scientific imaging. BPS members attending the 2024 Annual Meeting may enter the annual BPS Image Contest, The Art of Science. Monetary prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place. Submit today at

November 2023



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