Biophysical Society Bulletin | September 2024

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Members in the News

Abby Dernburg

Arthur Palmer III

Stephen Sligar

Claudia Turro

Gary Yellen

Two Society members were named Goldwater Scholars: Adam Gatch , Clemson University and Society member since 2023; and Morgan Rice , Georgetown University and Society member since 2023. Adam Gatch Morgan Rice

Five Society members were elected to the National Academy of Sciences: Abby Dernburg , University of California, Berkeley and Society member since 2017; Arthur Palmer III , Columbia University and Society member since 1987; Stephen Sligar , University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign and Society member since 1985; Claudia Turro , Ohio State University and Society member since 2023; and Gary Yellen , Harvard Medical School and Society member since 1983.

Grants & Opportunities Sloan Research Fellowships The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation seeks nominations of outstanding early career researchers for the Sloan Re search Fellowships in the fields of chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field. Who can apply: Candidates must hold a PhD and be a tenure-track member of the faculty of a degree-granting institution of the United States or Canada, with a regular teaching obligation. Deadline: September 15, 2024 Website: https:/

Alan T. Waterman Award The Alan T. Waterman Award is the highest honor awar ded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). This award was established to recognize outstanding young researchers in any field of science or engineering sup ported by the NSF. Each awardee receives a medal and a grant of $1,000,000 over five years for scientific research or advanced study at the institution of the recipient’s choice. Who can apply: Nominees must be a U.S. citizen or per manent resident and must be 40 years of age or younger or not more than 10 years beyond receipt of their PhD. Deadline: September 20, 2024 Website: https:/ waterman

Student Spotlight

Nicole Curtis University of Illinois Chicago What skill have you learned in your studies that you find useful in other aspects of your life? Throughout my PhD career, I’ve learned to think on my feet and adapt to change. If there’s one thing about science, it’s that things don’t always go how you plan, so being able to act quickly to pivot is crucial. This also translates to my life when I need to make a fast change if something comes up. Not everyone can adapt to change easily, but as a scientist, that’s a large part of what I do!

Nicole Curtis

September 2024



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