Biophysical Society Bulletin | September 2024

President’s Message

Officers President Gabriela K. Popescu President-Elect Lynmarie K. Thompson Past-President Taekjip Ha Secretary Teresa Giraldez Treasurer Samantha Harris Council Patricia Bassereau Margaret Cheung Martin Gruebele Taviare Hawkins Anne Kenworthy Syma Khalid Emmanuel Margeat Anita Niedziela-Majka Elizabeth Rhoades Tamar Schlick Valeria Vasquez Jing Xu Biophysical Journal Vasanthi Jayaraman Editor-in-Chief The Biophysicist Padmini Rangamani Editor-in-Chief Biophysical Reports

online and is also an open access journal that provides free access for all. It is important to know that all three are owned by BPS! First, this means that the Society, through its Publications Committee and Coun cil, recruits and appoints an editor-in-chief and an editorial board of experienced biophysicists with active independent research programs. In other words, active biophysicists have full intellectual oversight. They set the standards of rigor, excellence, innovation, and impact. There fore, the journals, through peer and editorial review and through the articles they publish, are critical instruments that further the BPS mission and its values of scientific excellence; integrity and transparency; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and community building. Recently, Council approved a new contract with Cell Press as the publishing partner for Biophysical Journal and Biophysical Reports , which includes a minimum guaranteed reve nue and access to resources and technology to continue publishing the journals at the high est standards for an additional seven years. This means that a substantial portion of the

publication fees charged to authors return to the Society and are reinvested in programs that benefit its membership. In fact, revenue from Biophysical Journal represents a third of the entire annual budget of BPS. With this information in mind, I encourage you to submit to, review for, and volunteer to serve on the editorial board of the three BPS journals. By engaging regularly with BPS journals, you will not only further your career and expand your scientific horizon, but you will shape the breadth and depth of the science we publish. And you will help to maintain the standards of quantitative rigor and excellence that BPS and its journals are known for. In other words, if I had my wish, the Biophys ical Society would be THE community where biophysicists come to learn, develop, and grow, and THE community to which biophysicists give back their experience, talents, time, and energy. It would also be THE community we are most proud of, and THE community about which we

most often and most loudly brag. — Gabriela K. Popescu , President

Jörg Enderlein Editor-in-Chief

Society Office Jennifer Pesanelli Executive Officer Newsletter

BPS Supports Global Biophysics Gathering The International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) in conjunction with the Biophysical Society of Japan hosted the 2024 IUPAB Congress at the Kyoto International Conference Center in late June. More than 1,900 people attended from 52 countries. The theme was “Rocking Out Biophysics,” and it was an amazing week of excel lent scientific talks, posters, and networking.

Executive Editor Jennifer Pesanelli Managing Editor John Long Production Ray Wolfe Meredith Zimmerman Proofreader/Copy Editor The Biophysical Society Newsletter (ISSN 0006-3495) is published eleven times per year, January-December, by the Biophysical Society, 5515 Security Lane, Suite 1110, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Distributed to USA members and other countries at no cost. Cana dian GST No. 898477062. Postmaster: Send address changes to Biophysical Society, 5515 Security Lane, Suite 1110, Rockville, MD 20852. Copyright © 2024 by the Biophysical Society. Darren Early Laura Phelan

BPS proudly sponsored Jerelle Joseph from Princeton University, USA, as a keynote speaker delivering her talk “Accurate models for interro gating and engineering biomolecular condensates.”

Jerelle Joseph speaks at the 2024 IUPAB Congress.

BPS also sponsored four student presentation awards and congratulates the following winners on their excellent presentations: Aylin Balmes and Hendrik von Eysmondt from the University of Tübingen, Germany; Nathan Nunes Evangelista from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; and Shufeng Zhao from the University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved.

From left to right, Hendrik von Eysmondt, Aylin Balmes, Nathan Nunes Evangelista, and BPS Executive Officer Jennifer Pesanelli.

September 2024



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