Biophysical Society Conference | Tahoe 2024

Molecular Biophysics of Membranes

Tuesday Speaker Abstracts

STRUCTURE, ORGANIZATION, PACKING, AND DYNAMICS OF BICELLES Linda M. Columbus 1 ; 1 University of Virginia, Chemistry, Charlottesville, VA, USA Bicelles are mixtures of lipids and detergents that at certain molar ratios (q values) form a segregated lipid core with a detergent rim. The diversity of structure, organization, and properties of bicelles could be a powerful tool for investigating lipid – lipid and lipid protein interactions, as well as, identifying important membrane properties that stabilize membrane protein structure and function. Ten detergents were investigated with DMPC and a subset of these detergents were investigated with DLPC, DPPC, and POPC. Small angle X-ray scattering, laurdan fluorescence, NMR, and molecular dynamics reported on the organization and packing of these assemblies and determined which mixtures form segregated lipid cores and at what q values. The results of these investigations will be presented.


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