Biophysical Society Conference | Tahoe 2024

Molecular Biophysics of Membranes

Poster Abstracts

37-POS Board 10 DIAMOND QUANTUM SENSOR HOLDS POTENTIAL TO REVOLUTIONIZE PHOSPHOLIPID AND MEMBRANE BIOPHYSICS RESEARCH Mouzhe Xie 1 ; 1 Arizona State University, School of Molecular Sciences, Tempe, AZ, USA Quantum sensing technologies enable some of the most precise measurements that human beings have ever achieved. In recent years, optically addressable nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center hosted by diamond crystal has been widely used as a quantum bit (qubit), which has exquisitely sensitive response to magnetic fields. This novel magnetometer therefore enables micro-/nano scale NMR experiments with unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution (i.e. single molecule regime) to provide insights about dynamics and interactions of biological systems at molecular and cellular level. Examples include the nanoscale 31P NMR detection and characterization of a single layer self-assembled 12-pentafluorophenoxydodecylphosphonic acid (PFPDPA) phospholipid molecules [1]. Interfacing a diamond quantum sensor with physiologically relevant biological samples in a controlled manner is key to the successful application of this new technology to tackle important research questions in biophysics and biomedicine. Our recent development of the biocompatible diamond surface functionalization toolkits provides general means to enrich biomolecules of interest, including phospholipids, to the near-surface sensing volume for improved sensitivity [2]. Furthermore, we fabricated diamond membrane platforms with tunable quantum properties and integrated with optical, electrical, and fluidic controls as a hybrid sensing device [3]. Parallel to experimental advances, we performed theoretical calculations and simulations to guide the design of sensing protocols for surface-supported phospholipids. These comprehensive efforts promise a new way to study phospholipid and membrane biophysics regarding their compositional rigidity, structural dynamics, and the intricate connection to functionality. [1] K. Liu et al. PNAS. 2022, 119, e2111607119.[2] M. Xie & X. Yu et al. PNAS. 2022, 119, e2114186119.[3] X. Guo et al. 2022. arxiv 2306.04408.


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