Biophysical Society - July 2014 Newsletter
Science Fairs
In the sixth consecutive year of the Biophysical Society’s science fairs program, the Society funded awards for 27 students at science fairs in 14 states and in one Canadian province. These awards are given for outstanding biophysics-related projects, as determined by local Society members who vol- unteered as judges at the events, state and regional high school science fairs. This initiative, spon- sored by the Public Affairs Committee, encourages the teaching and learning of STEM subjects, and raises awareness of biophysics among high school students and teachers. Thank you to the Society members, listed below, who volunteered to judge at their local science fairs this year! Didn’t get a chance to volunteer? Visit teer/ScienceFairs/tabid/2284/Default.aspx for information on how to give a Biophysics Award at a fair in your area in 2015. Questions? Email 2014 Science Fair Volunteers
Jacob Miner Ishita Mukerji Jeffrey Nivala Paul Pape Caleen Ramsook Peter Salamon Taner Sen Mariola Szenk
Sofya Borinskaya Vladimir Brezina Tanya Dahms James Dilger Tone Guia Whitney Kellett Edgar Kooijman Jeffry Madura
Read some of the thank you letters from students who participated in the BPS Science Fairs. Chris Kim, pictured above, received the Biophysics Award at the STEM Project Fair at Kent State University.
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