Biophysical Society Newsletter - January 2015
Again this Year Free Networking Cards for Poster and Platform Presenters Speaking in a platform session or presenting a poster at the Annual Meeting this year? If so, you already have 25 pre-print- ed Networking Cards waiting for you. Network- ing Cards are like business cards, but designed just for scientists. They provide your con- tact information, title of abstract, presentation date/ time and abstract content. Networking cards will be available for pick up in the Registration Area.
First Timers & New Members First-Time Attendee Drop-By Saturday, February 7, 5:00 pm –7:00 pm Is this your first time attending a Biophysical Society Annual Meeting? Wondering what to do first? Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering how to get the most out of your time? Drop by the First- Time Attendee event on Saturday evening during the Opening Mixer to learn how to navigate the meeting. Society staff and Membership Committee Members will be on hand to answer your questions about the meeting and help you get the most from your time in Baltimore. New Member Welcome Coffee Monday, February 9, 10:15 am –11:15 am All new Biophysical Society members are invited to participate in an informal gathering to meeting members of the Society’s Council and committees, learn about the Society’s activities, get acquainted with other new members, and enjoy refreshments. Current members are encouraged to attend and welcome the new members. Child Care The Biophysical Society will once again provide child care services while you attend the Annual Meeting! Subsidized child care will be available through KiddieCorp. Trained professionals will be on hand to watch children of all ages, and the fee includes fun activities and light snacks. Pre- registration is recommended. A family room will also be available in the Baltimore Convention Center, stocked with diapers, a small refrigerator, private areas for nursing, electrical outlets, and a
and getting tenure, including management of lab staff, getting your work published, and renewing your funding. Refreshments will be provided, with cash bar. Breaking into Industry: How to Find and Apply for an Internship Sunday, February 8, 2015, 1:30 pm –3:00 pm Are you interested in pursuing a career in industry? Stop by to hear from a panel of experts who work in bio-related industries. The panel will discuss how to find, select, and apply for industry internships, providing attendees with useful tools and resources. Publication Sessions Attending the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting? Take advantage of the opportunity to stop by the Biophysical Society booth, grab a cup of coffee, and visit with members of the Biophysical Journal Edito- rial Board. Bring your questions about BJ submis- sions, peer review procedures, or other publishing- related topics to one of the eight different sessions that will be offered. Specifics time are listed in the Program. This panel discussion, sponsored by the Publica- tions Committee, will focus on the practical issues involved in publishing a scientific paper. The panel- ists have extensive experience in writing, reviewing, and editing papers, and will provide information on the dos and don'ts of submitting research manu- scripts. Discussions will likely focus on strategies to avoid common pitfalls, how to prevent and fix problems before submission, and how to respond to critiques and even rejection of a paper. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions during the session. Coffee with the Editors How to Get Your Scientific Paper Published Monday, February 9, 2:15 pm –3:45 pm
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