Biophysical Society Newsletter | January 2017





BJ Paper of the Year Award The Biophysical Journal Paper of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding paper by a young investigator. This year's win-

cell rearrangements commonly observed during developmental processes. Indeed, Collins and her colleagues show that forces produced by contactile cells are sufficient to break junctions between epi- thelial cells to rapidly produce the hole. As pointed out by Alex Dunn his New and Notable piece about this paper, the work exemplifies how the right model system and simple physics might help us understand seemingly complex biology such as tissue morphogenesis. Also, the cool movies of Hydra mouth opening generated lots of interest in the lay press. Collins will receive the award, which consists of a plaque and $1,000, and will give a short talk at the Awards Symposium during the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting on February 14 in New Orleans.

ning paper is Dynamics of Mouth Opening in Hydra from the labo- ratory of Eva-Maria S. Collins at University of California, San

Eva-Maria S. Collins

Diego. It is an elegant piece of biophysics that uses transgenic strains of this small multicellular animal expressing fluorescent proteins in specific classes of cells. The Collins lab studies the mechanics of the feeding process, whereby the Hydra rips open a hole in its epithelium to create an on-demand mouth. The hole can be larger than the size of the entire animal and is produced in less than one minute, much faster than might be expected from

Biophysical Journal Call for Papers

Brain Biophysics

For publication November 2017

Deadline for submission: May 1, 2017

To submit, visit

Biophysical Society

Biophysics Week is a global effort aimed at encouraging connec- tions within the biophysics community and raising awareness of the field and its impact among the general public, policy makers, students, and scientists in related fields. Keep an eye out for the schedule in the February newsletter and on the website. There will be daily activities, news, publications, blogs, fun facts, and more.

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