Biophysical Society Newsletter - November 2016
Sua Myong , Johns Hopkins University RNA Remodeling Activity Reveals RNP Assembly Mechanism Zev Bryant , Stanford University Controllable Molecular Motors Engineered from Myosin and RNA Lu Rao , Albert Einstein College of Medicine Dynein’s Direction-dependent Microtubule-binding Strength is controlled via a Tension-induced Sliding of Dynein’s Stalk Helices Mediated by the Coiled-Coil Strut Jejoong Yoo , University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign High Throughput Simulations Reveal How Sequence and Meth- ylation Control DNA Looping and Self-Association Motility and Cytoskeleton Subgroup Co-Chairs: Erika Holzbaur , University of Pennsylvania, and J oseph Muretta , University of Minnesota Melissa Gardner , University of Minnesota Load Sharing Between Dynamic Kinetochore Microtubules Increases Centromere Tension in Mitosis Malcolm Irving , King's College London, United Kingdom The Role of the Thick Filaments in the Regulation of Muscle Contraction Neil Kad , University of Kent, United Kingdom Single Molecule Imaging Reveals the Mechanism of Actin. Tn.Tm Activation and Deactivation E. Michael Ostap , University of Pennsylvania Molecular Characterization of a Membrane-associated Cytoskeletal Motor Family Antonina Roll-Mecak , National Institutes of Health Readout of the Tubulin Code by Cellular Effectors Matthew Tyska , Vanderbilt University Medical Center Title not yet available Kristen Verhey , University of Michigan Medical School Structural and Functional Diversity across the Kinesin Superfamily Nanoscale Biophysics Subgroup Chair: Julie Biteen , University of Michigan Dorothy Erie , University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Single Molecule Fluorescence and Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of DNA Repair Christy Landes , Rice University Super Temporal-resolved Microscopy (STReM) for Measuring Fast Interfacial Dynamics
Keir Neuman , National Institutes of Health Developing Fluorescent Nanodiamonds for in Vitro and in Vivo Biological Imaging Ozgur Sahin , Columbia University Studying Nanoscale Mechanics of Single Molecules and Cells with Atomic Force Microscopy Alice Ting , Stanford University Spatially Resolved Mapping of Endogenous Proteins and RNA in Living Cells Antoine van Oijen , University of Wollongong, Australia Single-molecule Studies of DNA Replication: the plasticity of multi-protein complexes Ke Xu , University of California, Berkeley Spatially Resolved Super Resolution Microscopy Permeation and Transport Subgroup Chair: Olga Boudker , Weill Cornell Medical College Nicolas Reyes , Institut Pasteur, France Novel Molecular Mechanism of Excitatory Neurotransmitter Transport Inhibition Hanne Poulsen , Aarhus University, Denmark Ins and Outs of the Na,K-Atpase Sergei Noskov , University of Calgary, Canada Unconventional Ion-Permeation Pathways in NavAb and CavAb Channels from Molecular Simulations with Polarizable Force-Fields Jana Shen , University of Maryland Mechanism of pH-dependent Activation of Sodium-Proton Antiporter NhaA Vasanthi Jayaraman , University of Texas Dynamics of Glutamate Receptor Studied with Single Molecule FRET
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