Biophysical Society Newsletter | October 2017





March for Science in India On August 9, thousands of scientists marched in over 25 cities across India. Stemming from the Global March for Science in April, the march aimed to promote the importance of science and pressure the Indian government to increase funding for scientific and technological research. India’s Prime Minister has acknowledged the importance of scientific research in the past, hoping that by 2030 India will be among the top three countries leading in science and technology. Yet Indian scientists are frustrated by the lack of action. The march organizers are demanding scientific funding be increased from less than one percent to three percent of the annual budget and they want to see policies built on scientific data. Be a BPS Student Leader Set Up A Student Chapter The Biophysical Society is excited to launch the BPS Student Chapter program. This program aims to build active student chapters around the globe, increase student membership and participation within the Society, and promote biophysics as a discipline across college campuses through activities organized by the chapters. Chapters may be formed within a single institution, or regional chapters may be developed among multiple, neighboring institutions. Chapters wishing to be recognized starting in the spring semester of 2018 must submit the Endorsement and Petition Form, Chapter Bylaws, and the Chapter Information Sheet to the Soci- ety Office via email to by November 1, 2017, for consideration. For more information and a complete list of instructions on forming an official BPS Student Chapter, please visit

Is it what you study? How you study it? Or, you just know it when you see it? Even among biophysicists there does not seem to be agreement. Thus, to show the world just how amazing and diverse biophysics research is, we are collecting stories — from you! Make the video alone, or with colleagues and lab mates. Your choice. Send us a 45-second video explaining your biophysics to a general audience. We also encourage you to share them via social media on the Society’s pages as well as on yours with the hashtag #mybiophysics. We will use these videos during Biophysics Week to demonstrate just how amazing biophysics — and biophysicists — are! To view a sample, visit

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