Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting| Les Houches 2019

Multiscale Modeling of Chromatin: Bridging Experiment with Theory

Poster Abstracts

TUESDAY, APRIL 2 POSTER SESSION II 21:00 – 22:00 Cecile Dewitt Building

All posters are available for viewing during all poster sessions; however, below are the formal presentations for Tuesday. The presenters listed below are required to remain in front of their poster boards to meet with attendees.

Beltran, Bruno Gao, Yiqin

2-POS 6-POS 10-POS 14-POS 18-POS 22-POS 26-POS

Board 2 Board 6 Board 10 Board 14 Board 18 Board 22 Board 26

Ishibashi, Toyotaka Kim, Chanwoo Milstein, Joshua

Patluri, Govardhan Reddy

Sridhar, Akshay

Posters should be set up the morning of April 1 and removed by noon April 5.


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