Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting| Lima 2019
Revisiting the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology at the Single-Molecule Level
Poster Abstracts
43-POS Board 43 GENETIC DIVERGENCE OF THE SUBUNIT I OF THE CITOCROMO OXIDASE OF CHARINUS LONGITARSUS (ARACHNIDA: AMBLYPYGI) ENDEMIC SPECIES OF THE CUSCO REGION Andrea Carmeli Palomino Cardenas ; Jorge Acurio Saavedra 1 ; 1 Universidad Nacional De San Antonio Abad Del Cusco, Cusco, Cusco, Peru The order Amblypygi is a group of very old arachnids with species reported from the Carboniferous era whose study is quite limited in our continent. In Peru, only three species have been described morphologically: Charinus koepckei, Charinus longitarsus and Heterophrynus elaphus. The environmental degradation of the biosphere of the planet has caused the extinction of species, in some cases even before discovered and described by science. The Peruvian tropical Andes are a critical region for conservation since they contain a great wealth of species susceptible to extinction. Therefore, research and preservation of species, such as Amblypygi, is important because they are extremely sensitive to environmental changes. The collection areas were carried out in the provinces of; La Convención, Calca, Cusco Region during the years 2016 to 2017. The objective of the research is to evaluate the evolutionary molecular history and genetic divergence of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I of C. longitarsus by means of phylogenetic analysis and molecular sequence analysis. The methodology for the design of primers was employed by the NCBI server, "Primer-BLAST". Conclusion, the amplification by PCR reactions, of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene is ongoing in several samples collected in La Convención, Cusco. Our preliminary data indicate that the COX-1 gene has the potential to have molecular markers.
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