Conformational Ensembles from Experimental Data and Computer Simulations
Conformational Ensembles from Experimental Data and Computer Simulations
Welcome Letter
August 2017
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to welcome you to the Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting on Conformational Ensembles from Experimental Data and Computer Simulations . We have assembled an exciting program, which consists of a mix of computation, theory, and a broad range of methods in experimental structural biology with a focus on methods and applications for studying the structural dynamics of biomolecules by integrating experiments and simulations. This meeting aims to bring together scientists from across disciplines to advance integrative structural biology into the “dynamic age”. The program features 25 invited speakers, 12 short talks selected from contributed posters, and 120 contributed posters. Over 160 participants from around the world will be in attendance to share and discuss their ideas. We hope that the meeting will not only provide a venue for exchanging recent exciting progress, but also promote fruitful discussions and foster future collaborations. Harnack Haus lies in the center of the “German Oxford” of Berlin, which is characterized by its excellent scientific institutions. Established in 1929 as guest house and conference venue of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in Berlin-Dahlem, it quickly distinguished itself as an international scientific club, hosting prominent scientists, artists, industrialists, and politicians. After World War II, it was used as an officers’ club by the U.S. Armed Forces, until its return to the Max Planck Society in 1994. Today, the Max Planck Society draws inspiration from the venue’s founding history, which we invite you to explore in the Harnack Haus’ exhibition installations, located in the foyer areas.
Thank you all for joining this meeting, and we look forward to enjoying this event with you!
Helen Berman, Andrea Cavalli, Gerhard Hummer, Kresten Lindorff-Larsen The Organizing Committee
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