Engineering Approaches to Biomolecular Motors
Engineering Approaches to Biomolecular Motors: From in vitro to in vivo Wednesday Speaker Abstracts
The Nonequilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Motors Jason A. Wagoner , Ken Dill, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA.
Biomolecular motors operate through a complex sequence of transitions that transduce the chemical energy of nucleotide hydrolysis into work against some mechanical or chemical gradient. We use statistical physics to study motor operation. We integrate structural and dynamical information of molecular motors into this theory to understand the origins of fluctuations, dissipation, entropy production, etc. for these systems operating arbitrarily far from equilibrium. These analyses give insight into both biological mechanism and evolutionary design principles of molecular motors. This presentation will discuss the difference between enthalpic driving forces (like the breaking of a high energy bond) and entropic driving forces (like a concentration gradient) for molecular motors. We show that motors can take large mechanical steps driven by enthalpic driving forces to operate not only faster but also more efficiently than a motor taking small steps. This gives an interesting perspective on the high-energy phosphate bond of ATP, the central driving force of nonequilibrium processes in the cell. We also discuss other characteristics of motor operation that are specific and fundamental to understanding small nonequilibrium systems: the role of fluctuations around mean behavior, the organization of conformational transitions, and the location and height of kinetic barriers. These characteristics have important consequences on performance metrics (power output, efficiency, etc.) of molecular motors.
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