Program Book

Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number

Reichert Technologies


Scientifica 629 1A Kingfisher Court, Brambleside, Bellbrook Industrial Estate Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QQ United Kingdom Discover Scientifica’s electrophysiology and imaging solutions, including our new laser based optogenetics and uncaging system. Talk to us about our super-smooth microma- nipulators and cost-effective 2P Multiphoton Imaging System, built around our slimline, upright microscope; easily swap between in vivo and in vitro recording with removable substage optics.

— Life Sciences 3362 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14226

Royal Society Publishing 911 6-9 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5AG United Kingdom Royal Society Publishing publishes two cross- disciplinaryjournals— JournaloftheRoyalSociety Interface and Interface Focus —both of which reg- ularly publish content in the area of biophysics. Interface ( , edited by Professor Leslie Dutton from the University of Pennsylvania, publishes individu- al research and review articles. It offers rapidity, visibility and high quality peer-review. With an Impact Factor of 4.402, it is ranked fifth in the ISI Multidisciplinary Sciences category. Interface Focus (rsfs.royalsocietypublishing. org) , launched in January 2011 and edited by Professor Denis Noble from the University of Oxford, publishes cross-disciplinary themed issues on topical issues of science. For more information on our journals, please come and have a chat with our representa- tive Dr. Tim Holt at booth number 911. Alternatively, visit our website royalsocietypub- or browse our biophysics subject collection at: collection/biophysics. NEW RPMC Laser, Inc. 201 203 Joseph Street RPMC Lasers, Inc. offers innovative Diode Pumped Solid-State Lasers and Laser Diode Modules in wavelengths in the IR, visible, and near-UV spectrums with market-leading output power. The DPSS lasers feature a monolithic resonator technology that ensures true single- frequency emission along with excellent power, wavelength, and pointing stability. O’Fallon, MO 63366

Reichert Life Sciences manufactures a com- plete line of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Systems for all biomolecular interaction analysis. Investigate Protein-Protein, Protein-Antibody and other biomolecular interactions label-free and in real time. Our systems are ultra-sensitive, affordable and extremely precise. Stop by Booth 830 to learn more. Reichert Life Sciences – www. of Biomolecule Metrology 807-133 Enokido Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0853 Japan We exhibit a High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope (HS-AFM), developed by Prof. Ando from Kanazawa University. The HS-AFM is the only AFM in the world which can obtain real- time movies with a nanometer-scale resolution; behaviors of swaying soft-molecules in a solution can be captured without blurring and losing their activities. Research Institute 1012

Seahorse Bioscience 16 Esquire Road North Billerica, MA 01862


Seahorse Bioscience analytical instruments and cell-based assay kits are the industry standard for measuring cell metabolism, in real-time, in a microplate. The XFe Extracellular Flux Analyzer simultaneously measures the two major energy pathways of cell metabolism, mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis, pro- viding a full bioenergetic profile.



3625 Buffalo Road Rochester, NY 14624

SEMROCK manufactures hard-coated optical filters that set the standard for biomedical and analytical instrumentation. These include the acclaimed VersaChrome tunable band- pass filters, high-performance fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy filters and unique laser optics. Semrock’s innovative products are built on the latest in optical coating technology.

Watch cells and viruses come to life in the 3-D portable Biomolecular Discovery Dome! Located in the Exhibit Hall.

NEW New 2014 Exhibitor


Biophysical Society 58 th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

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