Single-Cell Biophysics: Measurement, Modulation, and Modeling

Single-Cell Biophysics: Measurement, Modulation, and Modeling

Poster Abstracts

35-POS Board 18 3D-Structural Modeling by Advanced Electron Microscopy at Whole Single Cell Level Atsuko H. Iwane 1,2 . 2 Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan. 1 Riken, QBiC, Suita, Osaka, Japan, Recently several microscopy techniques have revealed the dynamics and structure of intracellular material such as organelles and supra molecular proteins for a better understanding of the fundamental properties of a cell. Several advanced electron microscopes provide information on extremely small biological specimens. Among them, cryo-TEM and tomography techniques are useful for visualization of fine structures but the observation area is limited. Conversely, FIB (Focus ion beam)-SEM and SBF (serial block face)-SEM theoretically are not affected by the thickness of the sample. Furthermore, UHVEM (Ultra-high voltage-TEM) tomography is expected to be able to visualize the detailed 3D-structure of thylakoid membrane in the plastid and of the micro-compartments (cristae) in mitochondria. In this meeting, while taking advantage of these characteristics using these advanced electron microscopy techniques I will introduce to 3D-structural modeling of the interaction of intracellular organelles and the internal fine structure of these organelles of C. merolae cells (2-5 microns), which is considered as the primitive eukaryotic organism during cell division at the whole cell level. In particular, I definitely would like to discuss about transitional changes in thylakoid membranes in plastid with the researcher of computer simulation modeling.


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