The Current Revolution in Cryo-EM
Edward H. Egelman
, *1
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
Structural biology is the study of the molecular architecture
of proteins and nucleic acids, which are the basis for all life
forms. Structural biology came into its own as a field during
the 1950s when the atomic structures of DNA
( 1) and
several globular proteins
( 2) were solved. Knowledge of
these structures alone is not enough to understand their
functions, but it has become clear that a detailed mecha-
nistic picture of function is not possible without structural
information. Studying structure can reveal how molecules
have evolved, and this type of insight would otherwise be
lost by looking at only the molecule’s sequence.
X-ray crystallography has been the primary technique
responsible for determining atomic models of macromole-
cules andmacromolecular complexes during the past 60 years.
X-ray crystallography begins with the crystallization of a pu-
rified molecule or molecular complex. An x-ray beam is
directed at the crystal, and a unique pattern results from the
diffraction of x-ray beams in different directions after encoun-
tering atoms in the crystal. An atomic model is generated from
this diffraction pattern data that satisfies stereochemical con-
straints and whose diffraction matches the observed pattern
within experimental error. This approach has been enormously
powerful but is limited by the fact that the molecule or com-
plex of interest must be crystallized, which is not always
possible. Polymers, such as protein or nucleoprotein filaments,
typicallymust have exactly two, three, four, or six subunits per
turn, or multiples of these numbers, to pack into a crystal.
Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques emerged in the
1980s and allowed people to determine the three-dimen-
sional (3D) structure of macromolecules in solution
( 3).
These solution techniques can be quite laborious and are
very difficult to use for large complexes.
In this review, I will discuss how cryo-EM (electron cryo-
microscopy to some in the field, cryo-electron microscopy
to others) has rapidly
( Fig. 1 )emerged as one of the main
techniques for determining the structures of many macro-
molecular complexes at near-atomic resolution.
The ‘‘hardware’’
The first electron microscope was built in the 1930s by Ernst
Ruska, but it was not until ~1945 that the first applications to
biological samples were made by Keith Porter and col-
leagues. Electron microscopy (EM) has been a valuable im-
aging tool for biological specimens but is limited by both
hardware constraints and the nature of biological samples.
In contrast to light, electrons scatter strongly from air, which
requires that the column in an electron microscope be under
a vacuum. This generates a problem in imaging biological
material because a specimen, which may be found naturally
in an aqueous environment, must be dried before it can be
introduced into the vacuum of the electron microscope.
Another major problem of the electron microscope arises
from the fact that the contrast generated by thin biological
samples is quite weak, much as the contrast generated by
a cell in solution is quite weak in the conventional light mi-
croscope. Different staining methods have been developed
to generate contrast for dried biological samples in the elec-
tron microscope, just as histochemists have worked for more
than a century to create such stains that can be used in the
light microscope. Since the focus of this review is on EM
as a tool for macromolecular structure determination,
I will not deal with the very rich history of using EM to
look at whole cells and tissues, or with the recent impressive
advances in electron tomography
( 4).
The negative staining method for EM emerged in the
1960s and was used extensively in the 1970s and 1980s for
looking at isolated macromolecules and macromolecular
complexes. In light microscopy, positive stains typically
bind to a particular substance and this provides the contrast
between what is stained and readily observed and the un-
stained remainder. The negative stain technique, developed
by Hugh Huxley and colleagues
( 5), involves surrounding a
sample with an electron-dense solution, such as uranyl ace-
tate. This solution is excluded by the molecule or complex
of interest and can be dried to form a glass that is placed in
the vacuum of the electron microscope. Negative staining re-
veals the molecule due to its stain exclusion properties, and
only the shape of the region where stain has been excluded
can be distinguished. The negative stain technique might
be able to show whether a protein was globular or elongated,
but does not elucidate characteristics of a molecule’s second-
ary structure, such as the presence of
-helices and
which determine the overall folding of the protein.
A great advance came in 1975 when Richard Henderson
and Nigel Unwin demonstrated that unstained two-dimen-
sional protein crystals of arrays of bacteriorhodopsin, imaged
by EM at a resolution of ~7 A˚ , could show the presence of
( 6). These arrays were embedded in glucose, which
preserved the array’s structure even when dry. The contrast
was exceedingly weak in glucose-embedded samples, and
the use of crystals was still needed to generate a visible
Submitted October 20, 2015, and accepted for publication November 20,
egelman@virginia.edu2016 by the Biophysical Society
Biophysical Journal Volume 110 March 2016 1008–1012