BPS Program Book 2014
Most imaging techniques can also be combined with our two-photon micros- copy solution. Based on the renowned digital Yanus laser scanner and GaAsP photomultipliers with large sensitive surface, the two-photon implementation yields very large fields of view with perfect resolution corner to corner. Presenters: Meike Pedersen, Product Marketing Manager, FEI Munich GmbH Tilman Franke, Product Marketing Manager, FEI Munich GmbH Gregor Heiss, Product Marketing Engineer, FEI Munich GmbH 8:00 am –5:30 pm , R oom 300 Career Center 8:00 am –6:00 pm , M arriott M arquis , P acific H, I, J Child Care 8:00 am –6:00 pm , R otunda , 300 L evel Undergraduate Student Lounge This special space is reserved for undergraduate meeting attendees looking for a place to relax or catch up on coursework they may be missing while at the Annual Meeting. Members of the Education Committee, which sponsors this lounge, will stop by to answer questions student attendees may have about career paths and opportunities. 8:00 am –10:00 pm , H all D Poster Viewing 8:15 am –10:15 am , R oom 134 Symposium Membrane Transport in Fatty Acid Synthesis and Obesity Co-Chairs Ana Pajor, University of California, San Diego Da-Neng Wang, New York University School of Medicine 76-S ymp 8:15 am SODIUM-DEPENDENT DICARBOXYLATE AND CITRATE TRANSPORTERS OF THE SLC13 FAMILY. Ana M. Pajor 77-S ymp 8:45 am STRUCTURE AND MECHANISM OF A BACTERIAL SODIUM- DEPENDENT DICARBOXYLATE TRANSPORTER. Romina Man- cusso, Da-Neng Wang 78-S ymp 9:15 am I’M NOT DEAD YET: FLIES AND MICE. Andreas L. Birkenfeld, Varman T. Samuel, Gerald I. Shulman, Rafael De Cabo, Robert A. Re- enan, Chen-Tseh Zhu, Stephen Helfand 79-S ymp 9:45 am IN VIVO NMR STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF LIPID- INDUCED INSULIN RESISTANCE IN HUMANS. Gerald I. Shulman 8:15 am –10:15 am , R oom 135 Symposium Force Generation in Cell and Tissue Networks Co-Chairs Michael Sheetz, Columbia University Clare Waterman, NHLBI 80-S ymp 8:15 am MECHANOSENSING BY TROPOMYOSIN-CONTROLLED MYOSIN CONTRACTIONS. Michael Sheetz
Sunday, February 16 7:30 am –8:30 am , R oom 302 Postdoctoral Breakfast
Supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.
This breakfast presents an opportunity for postdoctoral members of the Society to meet and discuss the issues they face in their current career stage. Members of the Early Careers Committee will discuss careers in industry. They will also be available to answer questions about how the Committee serves postdocs in the biophysical community and to recruit new Committee members. Limited to the first 100 attendees. Speakers: Andrew Whitley, HORIBA Instruments, Inc. Avia Rosenhouse-Dantsker, University of Illinois at Chicago
7:30 am –5:00 pm , N orth L obby Registration/Exhibitor Registration 7:30 am –10:00 pm , R oom 112 Family Room 8:00 am –8:45 am , R oom 123 Exhibitor Presentation FEI Company
High End Microscope Platform for Multimodal Live Cell Imaging Ultimately, the secrets of life can only be studied in the living stage - dynamic processes have to be followed in space and time in living cells to fully understand their interplay. Successful live cell imaging experiments require minimizing the phototoxicity while the acquisition speed has to match the dynamics of the process to be studied. Especially on rare samples, extraction of the highest possible amount of data from a single experiment is needed. The iMIC, our digital fluorescence microscope, has been optimized to meet the challenges of live cell imaging. It offers fast measurement at best sensitivity and minimal bleaching. Depending on the sample and the process to be studied, a variety of specialized microscopy techniques can be chosen to optimize the result. Fast wide-field imaging, spinning disc confocal, FRAP and FRET can be combined in one flexible setup and used on the same sample. Moreover FEIs unprecedented solution for TIRF imaging makes the iMIC an even more valuable instrument. TIRF is the way to get superior Z resolution using affordable laser and camera technology. However, constant need for realignment and inhomo- geneous excitation have been drawbacks of this technology, especially for quantitative measurements. Our motorized multi-point TIRF module, giving full control over penetration depth for different excitation wave- lengths, automatically adjusted TIRF angle and a simple user interface, brings the application to a next level. To monitor even fast processes in living cells utilizing different modalities, switching between TIRF, epi- fluorescence or FRAP is possible within milliseconds, using our Polytrope imaging mode switch. FEI’s proprietary confocal spinning disk design excels with superior resolu- tion and best alignment of color channels in multi-color 3D image stacks. Transmission through the disk is enhanced by micro-mirrors, not micro- lenses. This concept allows us to achieve perfect achromatic correction in the wavelength range of 405 to 700nm.
Biophysical Society 58 th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
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