BPS Program Book 2014

Biophysical Journal Call for Papers

Special Issue: Focus on Quantitative Cell Biology

For publication December 2, 2014, Volume 107, Number 11

Biophysical Journal will publish a special issue of the Journal with a focus on Quantitative Cell Biology. The Journal welcomes submissions that report on studies of biological molecules and structures with a focus on mechanisms at the cellular level using the

concepts and methods of physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, and computational science. Studies should further our understanding of the interactions between the various systems of a cell as well as how these

interactions are regulated. The journal aims to publish the highest quality work and articles should have sufficient importance to be of general interest to biophysicists, regardless of their research specialty.

Deadline for submission: July 1, 2014

• Please include a cover letter stating that you would like to be part of the special issue on Quantitative Cell Biology • Select “Special Issue: Focus on Quantitative Cell Biology” when uploading your submission. • Instructions for authors can be found at: http://download.cell.com/

images/edimages/Biophys/Instructions_to_Authors.pdf • Questions can be directed to the BJ Editorial Office at BJ@biophysics.org or (240) 290-5545.

Journal publication fees will apply


Biophysical Society

For more information, go to www.biophysj.org

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