BPS Program Book 2014


Disclosure Entity

Disclosure Type

Presentation Number

Hassaine, Gherici


Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1710-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1033-Pos

Heedy, Sara

Anasys Instruments Corp.

Heerklotz, Heiko

this study was supported by an industry grant from AgraQuest/ Bayer CropScience

Research funded by industry grant


Heifetz, Alexander Helmes, Michiel Hirakawa, Ryoko

Evotec (UK) Ltd Ionoptix LLC Gilead Sciences

Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 90-Plat Ownership or Partnership in funding organization 2849-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1656-Pos

Hoang Trong, Minh Tuan NVIDIA

Research funded by industry grant Research funded by industry grant


Hong, Jingjun

National Cancer Institute grant Y1-CO-1020, National Institute of General Medical Sciences grant Y1-GM-1104, and U.S. Depart- ment of Energy grant DE-AC02- 06CH11357 (APS).


Hu, Erding Hu, Qichi


Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 3267-Plat Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1033-Pos

Anasys Instruments Corp.

Hwang, You Jin

National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)

Research funded by industry grant


Jacobs, Donald J. Jafri, Mohsin S. January, Craig T.

Medimmune LLC

Research funded by industry grant Research funded by industry grant

3292-Pos 2179-Plat 2799-Pos


Cofounder of Cellular Dynamics International


Jesorka, Aldo

Co-founder of Avalance Biotech AB Stock options or bond holdings in a for-profit corporation or self-directed pension plan


Jiang, Yong Jiang, Xin


Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 3267-Plat Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 681-Pos

Molecular Devices, LLC

Jyothikumar, Vinod

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (PO1HL101871) cofounder of Cellular Dynamics International



Kamp, Timothy J.



Kan, Elaine

Gilead Sciences

Stock options or bond holdings in a for-profit corporation or self-directed pension plan


Kan, Elaine

Gilead Sciences Inc.

Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1330-Pos

Karagueuzian, Hrayr S.

Gilead Sciences Inc., Foster City, California

Research funded by industry grant


Kasson, Peter Kawas, Raja

Google, Inc

Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 3218-Symp Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 2842-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 694-Pos

MyoKardia, Inc.

Kettenhofen, Ralf Khalid, Syma Kjoller, Kevin Knapp, Stefan Kondo, Richard Kossolov, Eugen


Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Research funded by industry grant


Anasys Instruments Corp.

Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1033-Pos

Structural Genomics Consortium Research funded by industry grant


Sophion Bioscience

Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 3861-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 694-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1500-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 1330-Pos Employment (full or part-time) in funding company 90-Plat


Lacey, Ernest

BioAustralis Pty Ltd Gilead Sciences Inc.

Lagpacan, Leanna

Law, Richard, J.

Evotec (UK) Ltd


Biophysical Society 58 th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

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